Matthew 24:13 - Shall be saved? (1st century understanding & historical fulfillment?)

Matthew 24:13 (1st century understanding & historical fulfillment?)

Matthew 24:12 - Love of the majority will grow cold (1st century biblical fulfillment?):
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Matthew 24:13

Matthew 24:14 - Good-news proclaimed (1st century biblical fulfillment?):
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Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."

The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.

The flesh could be saved?

It is written in Matthew 24:13: "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED."

9 verses later in Matthew, the saving of the flesh is mentioned: "if those days had not been-shortened, no FLESH WOULD-HAVE-BEEN-SAVED" (Matthew 24:22).

The soul could be saved?

It is written in Matthew 24:13: "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED."

The parallel verse in Luke 21 reads: "Gain your SOULS by your endurance" (Luke 21:19).

So here it is written that one "WILL-BE-SAVED" (Matthew 24:13) and in the parallel verse in Luke 21 that it can have to do with their SOULS: "Gain your SOULS" (Luke 21:19).

Fleeing from the wrath to come?

It is written in Matthew 24:13: "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED."

3 verses later, Jesus mentioned fleeing to the mountains: "the (ones) in Judea BE-FLEEING to the mountains" (Matthew 24:16, Luke 21:21). In Luke 21, Jesus explained that this was because there will be WRATH against this people: "For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people" (Luke 21:23). In that context, it is added in Matthew that "if those days had not been-shortened, no flesh WOULD-HAVE-BEEN-SAVED" (Matthew 24:22).

The only other time in which the Greek word for "WRATH" is used in both Matthew and Luke was when John the Baptist warned earlier "TO-FLEE from the WRATH about-to(-come)" (Matthew 3:7, Luke 3:7).

Saved from the wrath in Romans?

It is written in Matthew 24:13: "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED."

Paul indicated specifically to his 1st century audience that "WE-WILL-BE-SAVED FROM the WRATH" (Romans 5:9). 

There are also more similarities between Matthew 24:12-13 specifically & Romans 5, which may further indicate that Matthew 24:13 and Romans 5:9 could refer to similar events.

For example, Jesus said in Matthew 24:12-13: "the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied. But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED".

Paul wrote in Romans 5: "the endurance (is producing) approvedness, and the approvedness (is producing) hope, and the hope does not put-to-shame because the LOVE (of) God has-been-poured-out in our hearts" (Romans 5:4-5), "having now been-declared-righteous by His blood, WE-WILL-BE-SAVED FROM the WRATH through Him" (Romans 5:9).

The Greek word for "LOVE" [agapĂ© 26 in Greek, noun] only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12. 

For more similarities between Matthew 24 & Romans 5: Click here

Saved from the coming wrath in 1 Thessalonians?

It is written in Matthew 24:13: "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED."

Paul wrote to a 1st century audience: "God did not appoint us for WRATHbut for (the) obtaining (of) salvation" (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The "WRATH" (1 Thessalonians 5:9) here is contrasted with "salvation" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

Earlier in the first chapter of that epistle, Paul indicated that he would have been referring to "the coming WRATH", as he wrote about "Jesus, the (One) delivering us FROM the coming WRATH" (1 Thessalonians 1:10). 

There are also further similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 1 & 1 Thessalonians 5.

For more similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 1: Click here
For more similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 5: Click here

Both the flesh and soul could be saved from wrath?

Both the SOUL and the FLESH of people could be affected by WRATH, as for example we find in Psalms 77:50-51: "He made a way for His WRATH, He spared not their SOULS from death, but consigned their cattle to death; and struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt". It would follow then that both the FLESH and the SOUL could be SAVED from WRATH

Could there be a difference between the flesh and the soul saved?

Jesus said: "fear the (One) having (the) authority to-throw into Gehenna after the killing" (Luke 12:5). Jesus would have said here that even after someone has been killed in the FLESH, they can still be thrown into Gehenna after the killing. This would refer specifically to their SOUL that could be thrown into Gehenna after the killing of their FLESH.

Even though the FLESH of someone would not be saved, yet it may be possible that their SOUL could be after the killing, as for example Jesus reassured His disciples, saying: "do not be-fearing (anything) from the (ones) killing the body but not being-able to-kill the SOUL" (Matthew 10:28). 

This would be why it would be important to be SAVED from WRATH coming from God, as one could have their FLESH saved but also their SOUL in that case, like Jesus said: "fear the (One) having (the) authority to-throw into Gehenna after the killing" (Luke 12:5).

1st century events

In the 1st century, the First Jewish-Roman war ensued, starting around AD 66, and culminated with the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple around AD 70 by the Roman Titus and his armies. 

The 3rd century Greek author Philostratus recorded that the Roman Titus, after attacking Jerusalem with his armies, would have reportedly refused to accept a wreath of victory, saying that the victory did not come through his own efforts but that he would have merely served as an instrument of divine WRATH.

The 3rd century Greek author Philostratus wrote in "Life of Apollonius":

6.29: "After Titus had taken Jerusalem, and when the country all round was filled with corpses, the neighboring races offered him a crown; but he disclaimed any such honor to himself, saying that it was not himself that had accomplished this exploit, but that he had merely lent his arms to God, who had so manifested his wrath; and Apollonius praised his action, for therein he displayed a great deal of judgment and understanding of things human and divine, and it showed great moderation on his part that he refused to be crowned because he had shed blood."

For more information:
Matthew 24:19 & Luke 21:23 - Wrath against this people (1st century historical fulfillment?): Click here

Many were SAVED from that, as many would have instead fled Jerusalem to go to a certain town called Pella. They would have stayed there safely before later coming back to Jerusalem when the First Jewish-Roman War would have been over

In the 4th century, a Christian author named Epiphanius wrote in "On Weights and Measures":

15: "So Aquila, while he was in Jerusalem, also saw the disciples of the disciples of the apostles flourishing in the faith and working great signs, healings, and other miracles. For they were such as had come back from the city of Pella to Jerusalem and were living there and teaching. For when the city was about to be taken and destroyed by the Romans, it was revealed in advance to all the disciples by an angel of God that they should remove from the city, as it was going to be completely destroyed. They sojourned as emigrants in Pella, the city above mentioned in Transjordania. And this city is said to be of the Decapolis."

For more information:
Matthew 24:16 - Flee to the mountains (1st century historical fulfillment?): Click here
