Similarities - Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 1

Similarities: Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 1

There are similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 1. 

For similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 2: Click here

The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.

Matthew 24

1 Thessalonians 1

"the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold [...]. But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved" (Matthew 24:12-13)

"remembering your work (of) faith and labor (of) LOVE and endurance (of) hope (in) our Lord Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 1:3)

The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in

Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in

Matthew, and that 1 time is found in

Matthew 24:12.

"if those days had not been-shortened, no flesh would-have-been-saved. But those days will-be-shortened for the sake of the elect (ones)" (Matthew 24:22)

"knowing, brothers having-been-loved by God, your election" (1 Thessalonians 1:4)

"they-will-hand you over to AFFLICTION" (Matthew 24:9)

You "having-accepted the word in much AFFLICTION" (1 Thessalonians 1:6)

"this good-news (of) the kingdom will-be-proclaimed IN the whole world" (Matthew 24:14)

"from you the word (of) the Lord has-sounded-forth — not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but IN every place" (1 Thessalonians 1:8)

"the SON (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN" (Matthew 24:30)

"to-be-awaiting His SON from the HEAVENS" (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

"there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people" (Luke 21:23, parallel to Matthew 24:19)

"Jesus, the (One) delivering us from the coming WRATH" (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

You can find below the details:

Matthew 24:12: "And the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied."

Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured (hüpomeinas 5278 in Greek) to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."

1 Thessalonians 1:3: "remembering your work (of) faith and labor (of) LOVE and endurance (hüpomonēs 5281 in Greek) (of) hope (in) our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father;"

(The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12).

(The Greek word for "endurance" (hupomoné 5281 in Greek, noun) used in 1 Thessalonians 1:3 comes from the Greek word for "having-endured" (hupomenó 5278 in Greek, verb) which is used in Matthew 24:13).

Matthew 24:22: "And if those days had not been-shortened, no flesh would-have-been-saved. But those days will-be-shortened for the sake of the elect (eklektous 1588 in Greek) (ones)."

1 Thessalonians 1:4: "knowing, brothers having-been-loved by God, your election (eklogēn 1589 in Greek),"

(The Greek word for "elect" (eklektos 1588 in Greek, adjective) used in Matthew 24:22 and the Greek word for "election" (hupomoné 1589 in Greek, noun) used in 1 Thessalonians 1:4 both come from the Greek word for "to-elect" (eklogé 1589 in Greek, verb).

Matthew 24:9: "Then they-will-hand you over to AFFLICTION, and they-will-kill you. And you-will-be being-hated by all the nations because-of My name."

1 Thessalonians 1:6: "And you became imitators (of) us and (of) the Lord, having-accepted the word in much AFFLICTION with (the) joy (of the) Holy Spirit,"

Matthew 24:14: "And this good-news (of) the kingdom will-be-proclaimed IN the whole world for (a) testimony (to) all the nations. And then the end will-come."

1 Thessalonians 1:8: "For from you the word (of) the Lord has-sounded-forth — not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but IN every place your faith toward God has-gone-out — so-that we (are) having no need to-speak anything!"

Matthew 24:30: "And then the sign (of) the SON (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the SON (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN with power and great glory."

1 Thessalonians 1:10: "and to-be-awaiting His SON from the HEAVENS Whom He-raised from the dead — Jesus, the (One) delivering us from the coming wrath."

Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."

The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people."

1 Thessalonians 1:10: "and to-be-awaiting His Son from the heavens Whom He-raised from the dead — Jesus, the (One) delivering us from the coming WRATH."
