Similarities - Matthew 24 & Luke 19
Similarities: Matthew 24 & Luke 19
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Luke 19.
For similarities between Matthew 24 & Luke 18: Click here
For similarities between Matthew 24 & Luke 20: Click here
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
The parable of the minas
Matthew 24:15: "“Therefore when you-see the abomination (of) desolation — the (thing) having-been-spoken through Daniel the prophet — having-stood in (the) holy place, let the (one) reading understand,"
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:20: "“But when you-see JERUSALEM being-surrounded by army-encampments, then recognize that her desolation has-drawn-near."
Matthew 24:33: "So also you — when you-see all these (things), you know that it-is NEAR, at (the) doors."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:31: "So also you — when you-see these (things) taking-place, you-know that THE KINGDOM (of) GOD is NEAR."
Luke 19:11: "And (while) they (were) listening-to these (things), having-proceeded, He-spoke (a) parable because-of His being NEAR JERUSALEM and their thinking that THE KINGDOM (of) GOD was-about to-appear at-once."
(The Greek word for "has-drawn-near" (eggizó 1448 in Greek, verb) used in Luke 21:20 comes from the Greek word for "near" (eggus 1451 in Greek, adverb) which is used in Luke 19:11 & Luke 21:31 & Matthew 24:33).
Matthew 24:46: "Blessed (is) that SLAVE whom his lord, HAVING-COME, will-find so doing."
Luke 19:13: "And having-called ten (of) his (own) SLAVES, he-gave them ten minas and said to them, ‘Do-business while I-AM-COMING’."
Matthew 24:45: "“Who then is the FAITHFUL and wise SLAVE whom (his) lord put-in-charge over his household (that he might) give them (their) food at (the) proper-time?"
Luke 19:17: "And he-said (to) him, ‘Very-well (done), good SLAVE. Because you-proved-to-be FAITHFUL in (a) very-little (thing) — be having authority over ten cities’."
Jesus then going to Jerusalem
Matthew 24:3: "And (while) He (was) sitting on THE MOUNT (of) OLIVES, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us — when will these (things) be? And what (will be) the sign (of) Your coming and (the) conclusion (of) the age?”"
Luke 19:37: "And (while) He (was) drawing-near now, at the descent (of) THE MOUNT (of) OLIVES, the whole crowd (of) the disciples began to-praise God, rejoicing (with a) loud voice for all (the) miracles which they-saw,"
Matthew 24:15: "“Therefore when you-see the abomination (of) desolation — the (thing) having-been-spoken through Daniel the prophet — having-stood in (the) holy place (let the (one) reading understand),"
Matthew 24:16: "then let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:20: "“But when you-see Jerusalem being-surrounded [kükloumenēn 2944 in Greek] by army-encampments, then recognize that her desolation HAS-DRAWN-NEAR."
Luke 21:21: "Then let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains. And let the (ones) in (the) midst (of) her be-going-out. And let the (ones) in the fields not be-entering into her."
Luke 19:41: "And when HE-DREW-NEAR, having-seen the city, He-wept over it,"
Luke 19:42: "saying that “If you, even you, had-known on this day the (things) for peace! But now they-were-hidden from your eyes."
Luke 19:43: "Because days will-come upon you — and your enemies will-throw-up (a) palisade (against) you, and surround [periküklōsousin 4033 in Greek] you, and confine you from-all-sides."
The specific Greek word for "surround" [perikukloó 4033 in Greek, verb] is only used 1 time in the entire New Testament, only in Luke 19:43.
The Greek word for "surround" [perikukloó 4033 in Greek, verb] used in Luke 19:43 comes from the Greek word for "concerning" [peri 4012 in Greek, preposition] and "being-surrounded" [kukloó 2944 in Greek, verb] which is only used 1 time in Matthew, Mark and Luke combined: only in Luke 21:20.
Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those DAYS."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those DAYS. For there-will-be (a) great distress UPON the land, and wrath (against) this people."
Luke 21:24: "And they-will-fall (by the) edge (of the) sword. And they-will-be-taken-captive to all the nations. And Jerusalem will-be being-trampled by (the) Gentiles until which (time the) times (of the) Gentiles are fulfilled."
Luke 19:43: "Because DAYS will-come UPON you — and your enemies will-throw-up (a) palisade (against) you, and surround you, and confine you from-all-sides."
Luke 19:44: "And they-will-dash you to-the-ground, and your children within you. And they-will not leave (a) stone upon (a) stone within you, because you-did not recognize the time (of) your visitation”."
Matthew 24:1: "And having-departed from the temple, Jesus was-proceeding. And His disciples came-to (Him) to-show Him the buildings (of) THE TEMPLE."
Matthew 24:2: "But the (One), having-responded, said (to) them, “Do-you-see all these (things)? Truly I-say (to) you — (a) STONE UPON (a) STONE by-no-means WILL-BE-LEFT here which will not be-torn-down”."
Luke 19:44: "And they-will-dash you to-the-ground, and your children within you. And they-will not LEAVE (a) STONE UPON (a) STONE within you, because you-did not recognize the time (of) your visitation”."
Luke 19:45: "And having-entered into THE TEMPLE, He-began to-throw-out the (ones) selling,"
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