Similarities - Matthew 24 & Luke 20
Similarities: Matthew 24 & Luke 20
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Luke 20.
For similarities between Matthew 24 & Luke 19: Click here
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Parable of the Tenants and the Vineyard
Matthew 24:38: "For as in those days before the flood they-were eating and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"
Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood CAME and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
A similar account in Luke reads:
Luke 17:26: "“And as it-happened in the days (of) Noah, so it-will-be also in the days (of) the Son (of) Man —"
Luke 17:27: "they-were-eating, drinking, marrying, being-given-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark and the flood CAME and DESTROYED everyone."
Luke 20:16: "HE-WILL-COME and DESTROY these land-workers, and give the vineyard (to) others”. And having-heard (it), they-said, “May-it never be!”"
Matthew 24:1: "And having-departed from the temple, Jesus was-proceeding. And His disciples came-to (Him) to-show Him the buildings [oikodomas 3619 in Greek] (of) the temple."
Matthew 24:2: "But the (One), having-responded, said (to) them, “Do-you-see all these (things)? Truly I-say (to) you — (a) STONE upon (a) STONE by-no-means will-be-left here which will not be-torn-down”."
The parallel account in Mark reads:
Mark 13:2: "And Jesus said (to) him, “Do-you-see these great buildings [oikodomas 3619 in Greek]? (A) STONE upon (a) STONE will by no means be-left here which will by-any-means not be-torn-down”."
Luke 20:17: "But the (One), having-looked-at them, said, “Then what is this having-been-written: ‘(The) STONE which the (ones) building [oikodomountes 3618 in Greek] rejected, this became (the) head (of the) corner’?"
The Greek word for "building [oikodomeó 3618 in Greek, verb] used in Luke 20:17 comes from the same as the Greek word for "buildings [oikodomé 3619 in Greek, noun] used in Mark 13:2.
Matthew 24:34: "Truly I-say (to) you that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place."
Luke 20:19: "And the scribes and the chief-priests sought to-put (their) hands on Him at the very hour. But they-were-afraid. For they-knew that He-spoke this parable against them."
To the Sadducees on the resurrection
Matthew 24:3: "And (while) He (was) sitting on the Mount (of) Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us — when will these (things) be? And what (will be) the sign (of) Your coming and (the) conclusion (of) the AGE?”"
Luke 20:34: "And Jesus said (to) them, “The sons (of) this AGE marry and are-given-in-marriage."
Luke 20:35: "But the (ones) having-been-considered-worthy to-obtain that AGE and the standing-up from (the) dead (ones) neither marry, nor are they given-in-marriage."
Matthew 24:38: "For as in those days before the flood they-were eating and drinking, MARRYING AND GIVING-IN-MARRIAGE, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"
Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood came and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
Luke 20:34: "And Jesus said (to) them, “The sons (of) this age MARRY AND ARE-GIVEN-IN-MARRIAGE."
Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:33: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."
Luke 21:36: "And be-keeping-alert in every time, praying that you-may-prevail to-flee-from all these (things) being-about to-take-place, and to-stand [stathēnai 2476 in Greek] before the Son (of) Man”."
Luke 20:35: "But the (ones) having-been-considered-worthy to-obtain that age and the standing-up [anastaseōs 386 in Greek] from (the) dead (ones) neither marry, nor are they given-in-marriage."
The Greek word for "standing-up" [anastasis 386 in Greek, noun] used in Luke 20:35 comes from the Greek word for "to-stand-up" [anistémi 450 in Greek, verb], which comes from "up" [ana 303 in Greek] and "to-stand" [histémi 2476 in Greek, verb] used in Luke 21:36.
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