Eternal judgment of the devil, his angels, demons (1st century fulfillment?)

Eternal judgment of the devil, his angels, demons (1st century fulfillment?)


There would be an eternal judgment for the devil, his angels, demons.

In the context of an eternal verdict of judgment, Jesus talked about "the ETERNAL fire having-been-prepared (FOR) THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS" (Matthew 25:41). Jude records about the Lord that "HE HAS-KEPT ANGELS — the (ones) not having-kept their (own) domain, but having-left-behind (their) own dwelling — (in) eternal bonds under gloom FOR (THE) JUDGMENT (OF THE) GREAT DAY" (Jude 1:6). When encountering "DEMONS" (Matthew 8:31) in connection with "two (men) being-demonized" (Matthew 8:28), they cried out: "Did-You-come here to-torment us BEFORE (THE) TIME?" (Matthew 8:29).  

The timing for this judgment set for these beings could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century. 

All those beings could be described as being present locally, that is, they were not described as omnipresent in their beings. After the 1st century, there could be evidence that false gods or demons could be present in certain locations.

You can find below evidences for that. 

Eternal judgment for the devil, his angels, demons?

Jude records that "HE HAS-KEPT ANGELS — the (ones) not having-kept their (own) domain, but having-left-behind (their) own dwelling — (in) eternal bonds under gloom FOR (THE) JUDGMENT (OF THE) GREAT DAY" (Jude 1:6). 

2 Peter indicates that "God did not spare ANGELS HAVING-SINNED but delivered (them to) chains (of) gloom, having-cast(-them)-into-Tartarus, BEING-KEPT FOR JUDGMENT" (2 Peter 2:4).

It is written in Hebrews about "ETERNAL judgment" (Hebrews 6:2).

The Greek word for "judgment" [krima 2917 in Greek, noun] used in Hebrews 6:2 can refer to a verdict of judgment. After a prior trial or investigation, this verdict of judgment is then given at the end of it. This verdict of judgment here is described as "ETERNAL" (Hebrews 6:2).

Contrary to that Greek word, another Greek word in the Bible can be used to refer to a process of "judgment" [krisis 2920 in Greek, noun]. This is not the Greek word used here. 

The only explicit example of an "ETERNAL" verdict of judgment in the entire New Testament (following a trial) can be found in Matthew 25:31-46 in which it is written: "when the Son (of) Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, at-that-time He-will-sit on (the) throne (of) His glory, and all the nations will-be-gathered before Him. And He-will-separate them from one-another, just-as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats" (Matthew 25:31-32). Regarding the sheep, the "ETERNAL" verdict was that "the righteous (ones will go) to ETERNAL life" (Matthew 25:46), but regarding the other group who did not do these works, the "ETERNAL" verdict was that they "will-go into ETERNAL punishment" (Matthew 25:46).

In that context of this "ETERNAL" verdict of judgment, Jesus talked about "the ETERNAL FIRE having-been-prepared (FOR) THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS" (Matthew 25:41).

When Jesus encountered "DEMONS" (Matthew 8:31) in connection with "two (men) being-demonized" (Matthew 8:28), they cried out: "Did-You-come here TO-TORMENT US BEFORE (THETIME?" (Matthew 8:29). 

This could indicate an eternal judgment for the devil, his angels, demons. 

1st century imminence for the judgment for the devil?

The judgment for the devil could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century. 

For example, Paul wrote in the 1st century: "the God (of) peace WILL-CRUSH SATAN under your feet IN (A) SHORT-TIME" (Romans 16:20). 

The term "SATAN" can be used interchangeably with the term "THE DEVIL". For example, in one account it is written: "He was in the wilderness forty days being-tempted by SATAN" (Mark 1:13) and in the parallel account from another author it is written: "Jesus was-led-up into the wilderness by the Spirit to-be-tempted by THE DEVIL" (Matthew 4:1). Another example, in one account it is written: "SATAN comes and takes-away the word" (Mark 4:15) and in the parallel account from another author it is written: "THE DEVIL comes and takes-away the word" (Luke 8:12).

1st century imminence for the judgment of angels of the devil in an earlier Jewish writing?

The judgment of angels of the devil could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century according to an ancient Jewish writing. Jude 1:14-15 mentioned "Enoch" who "prophesied" and referred to a passage that is similar to what can be found in an ancient Jewish writing called "1 Enoch" dating before Christ, in 1 Enoch 1:9.

8 verses earlier, Jude wrote in Jude 1:6 that ANGELS have been kept in BONDS for the JUDGMENT of the GREAT DAY. A similar description using similar language can be found in 1 Enoch 54:1-6. Earlier in 1 Enoch 10:12-13, a timing would be indicated for that JUDGMENT to take place: 70 generations. 

These 70 generations would be from the generation of "Enoch" (1 Enoch 1:2) onward, who even wrote that what he understood was not for his own generation, but for one far remote, as it is written: "I understood as I saw, but NOT FOR THIS GENERATION, BUT FOR A REMOTE ONE WHICH IS TO COME" (1 Enoch 1:2).

Luke provided a genealogy of the generations from "Enoch" (Luke 3:37) onward. If counting 70 generations from Enoch onward, it would land on the generation of... Jesus! This could explain why when Jesus came, He said at that point to His 1st century audience: "Truly I-say (to) YOU that THIS GENERATION BY-NO-MEANS WILL-PASS-AWAY UNTIL ALL (THINGS) TAKE-PLACE" (Luke 21:32).

You can find the evidence below for that:

Jude wrote: "Enoch, (the) seventh from Adam, prophesied (with regard to) these (ones), saying, “Behold — (the) Lord came with His holy myriads to-execute judgment against all" (Jude 1:14-15). A similar quote may be found in an ancient Jewish writing called "1 Enoch" dating before Christ, in which it reads: "Behold, he will arrive with ten million of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all" (1 Enoch 1:9). 

Jude wrote 8 verses earlier that "HE HAS-KEPT ANGELS — the (ones) not having-kept their (own) domain, but having-left-behind (their) own dwelling — (in) eternal BONDS under gloom FOR (THE) JUDGMENT (OF THE) GREAT DAY" (Jude 1:6). This description may be found in 1 Enoch, in which it is written: "I looked and turned to another part of the earth, and saw there a deep valley with BURNING FIRE [...] And I asked the angel of peace who went with me, saying: 'For whom are these BONDS being prepared?' And he said unto me: 'These are being prepared FOR THE HOSTS OF AZÂZÊL, so that they may take them and cast them into the abyss of complete condemnation, and they shall cover their jaws with rough stones as the Lord of Spirits commanded. And Michael, and Gabriel, and Raphael, and Phanuel shall take hold of them ON THAT GREAT DAY, and cast them ON THAT DAY INTO THE BURNING FURNACE, that the Lord of Spirits may take vengeance on them for their unrighteousness in becoming SUBJECT TO SATAN and leading astray those who dwell on the earth.'" (1 Enoch 54:1-6).

Earlier in 1 Enoch, a timing may be indicated regarding this judgment, as it is written: "And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, BIND them fast FOR SEVENTY GENERATIONS in the valleys of the earth, TILL THE DAY OF THEIR JUDGMENT and of their consummation, TILL THE JUDGMENT THAT IS FOR EVER AND EVER is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of FIRE (and) to the TORMENT and the prison in which THEY SHALL BE CONFINED FOR EVER" (1 Enoch 10:12-13). There was a need here to "BIND them fast FOR SEVENTY GENERATIONS in the valleys of the earthTILL THE DAY OF THEIR JUDGMENT" (1 Enoch 10:12). This is similar to the ANGELS KEPT in "BONDS under gloom FOR (THE) JUDGMENT (OF THE) GREAT DAY" (Jude 1:6). 

"SEVENTY GENERATIONS" (1 Enoch 10:12) here would be from the generation of "Enoch" (1 Enoch 1:2) onward, who even wrote that what he understood was not for his own generation, but for one far remote, as it is written: "I understood as I saw, but NOT FOR THIS GENERATION, BUT FOR A REMOTE ONE WHICH IS TO COME" (1 Enoch 1:2).

Luke provided a genealogy of the generations from "Enoch" (Luke 3:37) onward. If counting 70 generations from Enoch onward, it would land on the generation of... Jesus

Luke 3:23-37 reads: "And Jesus [70] Himself was, [when] beginning (His ministry), about thirty years (old), being (a) son, as it-was-being-supposed, (of) Joseph [69], the (son of) Heli [68], the (son of) Matthat [67], the (son of) Levi [66], the (son of) Melchi [65], the (son of) Jannai [64], the (son of) Joseph [63], the (son of) Mattathias [62], the (son of) Amos [61], the (son of) Nahum [60], the (son of) Hesli [59], the (son of) Naggai [58], the (son of) Maath [57], the (son of) Mattathias [56], the (son of) Semein [55], the (son of) Josech [54], the (son of) Joda [53], the (son of) Joanan [52], the (son of) Rhesa [51], the (son of) Zerubbabel [50], the (son of) Shealtiel [49], the (son of) Neri [48], the (son of) Melchi [47], the (son of) Addi [46], the (son of) Cosam [45], the (son of) Elmadam [44], the (son of) Er [43], the (son of) Joshua [42], the (son of) Eliezer [41], the (son of) Jorim [40], the (son of) Matthat [39], the (son of) Levi [38], the (son of) Simeon [37], the (son of) Judah [36], the (son of) Joseph [35], the (son of) Jonam [34], the (son of) Eliakim [33], the (son of) Melea [32], the (son of) Menna [31], the (son of) Mattatha [30], the (son of) Nathan [29], the (son of) David [28], the (son of) Jesse [27], the (son of) Obed [26], the (son of) Boaz [25], the (son of) Sala [24], the (son of) Nahshon [23], the (son of) Aminadab [22], the (son of) Aram [21], the (son of) Hezron [20], the (son of) Perez [19], the (son of) Judah [18], the (son of) Jacob [17], the (son of) Isaac [16], the (son of) Abraham [15], the (son of) Terah [14], the (son of) Nahor [13], the (son of) Serug [12], the (son of) Reu [11], the (son of) Peleg [10], the (son of) Heber [9], the (son of) Shelah [8], the (son of) Cainan [7], the (son of) Arphaxad [6], the (son of) Shem [5], the (son of) Noah [4], the (son of) Lamech [3], the (son of) Methuselah [2], the (son of) Enoch [1]"

This may be why Jesus said later in Luke to His 1st century audience at His time: "Truly I-say (to) YOU that THIS GENERATION BY-NO-MEANS WILL-PASS-AWAY UNTIL ALL (THINGS) TAKE-PLACE" (Luke 21:32).

Historical events (and the devil and his angels being described as spiritual beings?)

The word for "SATAN" can actually be used to simply refer to an ADVERSARY. For example a human can be named a "SATAN", as for example the Hebrew word for "SATAN" is used to describe humans: "YHWH raised an ADVERSARY [haś·śā·ṭān 7854 in Hebrew] to Solomon, Hadad the Edomite" (1 Kings 11:14 (Masoretic)). Another example: "God raised up an ADVERSARY [haś·śā·ṭān 7854 in Hebrews] to him, Rezon the son of Eliadah" (1 Kings 11:23 (Masoretic)).

Now Satan (or "the devil") and his angels may also be used to describe spiritual beings.

In the 1st century, Jesus said about Himself that "the Son (of) Man IS-ABOUT TO-COME in the glory (of) His Father WITH HIS ANGELS" (Matthew 16:27). 

Around AD 66, the Jewish-Roman War started, in which the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its temple around AD 70. Near the start of that war, historians recorded that an army of glittering appearance was seen in the sky IN CONFLICT:

The Roman historian Tacitus (who was born in the 1st century) wrote in "The Histories":

(5.13): "in the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armour"

There may be evidence to suggest that these armies of glittering armour in the sky would have been angels from heaven.

For more information:
Matthew 24:30 - Coming on the clouds with angels (1st century historical fulfillment?):
Click here

These armies of glittering armour "IN THE SKY" were "IN CONFLICT". If these armies may be understood as angels from heaven, with whom were those angels "IN CONFLICT" "IN THE SKY"? 

Paul wrote that when Jesus comes from heaven (with His angels), the voice of an ARCHANGEL would be heard, as he wrote: "the Lord Himself will-descend from heaven with (a) shouted-command, with (a) voice (of an) ARCHANGEL" (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Jude mentions the name of an archangel: "MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL" (Jude 1:9). 

In the 1st century it was written in Revelation about "(the things) which must take-place IN QUICKNESS" (Revelation 1:1) that "there-was (a) WAR IN HEAVEN. MICHAEL and his ANGELS (were) TO-FIGHT AGAINST THE DRAGON. AND THE DRAGON AND HIS ANGELS FOUGHT" (Revelation 12:7). Here "MICHAEL" (Revelation 12:7) would be "MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL" (Jude 1:9). The "DRAGON" (Revelation 12:7) would be the "DRAGON [...] the (one) being-called (the) DEVIL and SATAN" (Revelation 12:9).

Could it be suggested that Michael and angels of God would have been in conflict in the sky around AD 66 with the devil and his angels before the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple? If so, then the devil and his angels could be understood here to be spiritual beings capable of being in the sky, able to fight with angels of God. 

There may be further evidence to suggest that Michael would have been present in that event.

For more information:
Resurrection from the dead (1st century historical fulfillment?)
Click here

There may be also evidence to suggest that Jesus would have come with His angels in that event to also bring about judgment

For more information:
Eternal judgment (1st century historical fulfillment and beyond?)
Click here

This would coincide well with the eternal judgment that was also planned for the devil and his angels. Paul himself wrote to his 1st century audience: "Do-you not know that WE-WILL-JUDGE ANGELS?" (1 Corinthians 6:3). If both the judgment of people at that time would have happened and the judgment of the devil (and his angels), then people may have been present to also be able to judge those angels. 

Early Christian author

An early Christian author described the devil as "slain". 

Around the 4th century, a Christian author named Athanasius wrote in "The Festal Letters, and Their Index":

(Letter IV:3): "Now as those days are considered feasts for Israel, so also in old time feasts were appointed when an enemy was slain, or a conspiracy against the people broken up, and Israel delivered. Therefore blessed Moses of old time ordained the great feast of the Passover, and our celebration of it, because, namely, Pharaoh was killed, and the people were delivered from bondage. For in those times it was especially, when those who tyrannized over the people had been slain, that temporal feasts and holidays were observed in Judæa. Now, however, that the devil, that tyrant against the whole world, is slain, we do not approach a temporal feast, my beloved, but an eternal and heavenly. Not in shadows do we shew it forth, but we come to it in truth. For they being filled with the flesh of a dumb lamb, accomplished the feast, and having anointed their door-posts with the blood, implored aid against the destroyer. But now we, eating of the Word of the Father, and having the lintels of our hearts sealed with the blood of the New Testament, acknowledge the grace given us from the Saviour, who said, ‘Behold, I have given unto you to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.’ For no more does death reign; but instead of death henceforth is life, since our Lord said, ‘I am the life;’ so that everything is filled with joy and gladness; as it is written, ‘The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice.’ For when death reigned, ‘sitting down by the rivers of Babylon, we wept,’ and mourned, because we felt the bitterness of captivity; but now that death and the kingdom of the devil is abolished, everything is entirely filled with joy and gladness. And God is no longer known only in Judæa, but in all the earth, ‘their voice hath gone forth, and the knowledge of Him hath filled all the earth.’"

The devil, his angels, demons described as local beings

The devil could be described as a local being, that is, not described as omnipresent. 

For example, after tempting Jesus in the wilderness, it is written that "THE DEVIL DEPARTED FROM HIM until (an) opportune-time" (Luke 4:13).

James wrote: "resist THE DEVIL and (he) WILL-FLEE from you" (James 4:7).

Another example: it was written to "the church IN PERGAMUM" (Revelation 2:12): "I-know where you-dwell: WHERE SATAN’S THRONE (IS)" (Revelation 2:13). Satan's throne here could have been located in Pergamum specifically. Pergamum in the 1st century was a city in Asia Minor. 

Here is a map of where Asia Minor (written in white) was within the Roman Empire (represented in red) (click to expand):

Here is a map of where "Pergamum" (Revelation 2:12) was within Asia Minor (click to expand):

Demons can be described as local beings. 

When encountering "DEMONS" (Matthew 8:31) in connection with "two (men) being-demonized" (Matthew 8:28), they cried out: "Did-You-come here to-torment us BEFORE (THETIME?" (Matthew 8:29). In the parallel account in Mark, it is written that "(the one) says (to) Him, “(The) name (for) me (is) Legion, because we-are many”. And (the one) was-begging Him greatly that (He) NOT SEND THEM OUTSIDE (OF) THE COUNTRY" (Mark 5:9-10). So here the demons did not want to be sent "OUTSIDE (OF) THE COUNTRY" (Mark 5:10). 9 verses earlier it was indicated that this happened in "THE COUNTRY (of) the Gergesenes" (Mark 5:1), which would have been around the Sea of Galilee.

Other gods, demons present after the description of the judgment?

Revelation 20 describes a judgment.

1 chapter later, it is written that the "gates will never be-shut" (Revelation 21:25) of the New Jerusalem, but "the (one) doing abomination and falsehood, will never enter into it" (Revelation 21:27) as "Outside (are) the dogs and the SORCERERS, and the sexually-immoral (ones), and the murderers, and the IDOLATERS" (Revelation 22:15). Outside of the city are SORCERERS and IDOLATERS

SORCERY and IDOLATRY are works of the flesh, as Paul wrote: "the works (of) the flesh are evident, which are sexual-immorality, impurity, sensuality, IDOLATRY, SORCERY" (Galatians 5:19-20). Yet those two works of the flesh are often done in association with other gods or demons in the Bible. 

Because outside of the city are SORCERERS and IDOLATERS, and these two kinds of people practicing the works of the flesh related to them (SORCERY and IDOLATRY) are often doing them in association with other gods or demons in the Bible, it could be implied that other gods or demons could also be present OUTSIDE THE CITY SPECIFICALLY in order to associate with those who do those works outside the city.

Demons present after the 1st century AD?

Early Christians authors after the 1st century AD reported that demons were cast out of people in their times, which could presuppose that demons would be found in the locations that they cast them out.

In the 2nd century, a Christian author named Justin Martyr wrote in "Dialogue":

(76.6): "He [Christ] said, “I give unto you power to tread on serpents, and on scorpions… and on all the might of the enemy”. And now we, who believe on our Lord Jesus, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, when we exorcise all demons and evil spirits, have them subjected to us"

In the 2nd century, a Christian author named Theophilus of Antioch wrote in "Ad Autolycum":

(II.8): "The Greek poets were inspired by demons. “This is clearly evidenced by the fact that even today demons are exorcised from possessed in the name of the true God, and then the deceiving spirits confess themselves that they are the demons who once worked in the poets…"

In the 2nd century, a Christian author named Irenaeus wrote:

"Those who are in truth Jesus’ disciples, receiving grace from Him, do in His name perform miracles, so as to promote the welfare of other men, according to the gift which each one has received from Him. For some do certainly and truly drive out devils, so that those who have thus been cleansed from evil spirits frequently both believe in Christ, and join themselves to the Church. Others have foreknowledge of things to come: they see visions, and utter prophetic expressions. Others still heal the sick by laying their hands upon them, and they are made whole. Yea, moreover, as I have said, the dead even have been raised up, and remained among us for many years"

Around the 2nd century, a Christian author named Tertullian wrote in "Apologeticum":

(23.4-18): "But thus far we have been dealing only in words; we now proceed to a proof of facts, in which we shall show that under different names (god and demon) you have real identity. Let a person be brought before your tribunals, who is plainly under demoniacal possession. The wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will as readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon [...] they leave at our command the bodies they have entered [...] It has not been an unusual thing, accordingly, for those testimonies of your deities to convert men to Christianity"

Around the 3rd century, a Christian author named Origen wrote in "Contra Celsum":

(VII.4): "If then the Pythian priestess is beside herself when she prophesies, what spirit must that be which fills her mind and clouds her judgment with darkness, unless it be of the same order with those demons which many Christians cast out of persons possessed with them? And this, we may observe, they do without the use of any curious magic, or incantations, but merely by prayer and simple adjurations which the plainest person can use. Because for the most part it is unlettered persons who perform this work: thus making manifest the grace which is in the word of Christ, and the despicable weakness of demons, which, in order to be overcome and driven out of the bodies and souls of men, do not require the power and wisdom of those who are mighty in argument, and most learned in matters of faith"

Around the 4th century, a Christian author named Athanasius wrote in "De incarnatione verbi":

(32): "It is clear that if Christ were dead, then he would not expel the demons [...], for the demons would not obey one who is dead. But when they obviously are chased away at the use of his name, then it should be clear that he is not dead, especially because the demons who see the things that are not visible for humans – should know it if Christ is dead. Then they would simply deny him obedience. But now the demons see exactly what the ungodly do not believe; that he is God, and therefore they flee and fall down for him and say that which they also said when he was in the body, “We know who you are, you the Holy One of God”"

Moreover people around the world report having experienced demons manifesting and also being cast out. In severe cases of reports of people manifesting a demon, reports were given for example of people starting to speak another language fluently that they never learnt, or displaying unusual strength, similar to the manifestation of the man being demonized in Mark 5 as it was written that "no-one was-able to-bind him any-more, not even (with a) chain, he often (had) been-bound (with) shackles and chains and the chains (had) been-torn-apart by him, and the shackles broken. And no-one was-strong (enough) to-subdue him" (Mark 5:3-4).

Demons present after the 1st century just like after the days of Noah (when taking into account an earlier Jewish writing)?

Jesus said: "JUST-AS THE DAYS (OF) NOAH (WERE), so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man" (Matthew 24:37). Jesus would have mentioned that His 1st century coming would have been like the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, GIANTS were upon the earth. Yet after the flood, GIANTS were also seen upon the earth in another location to where Noah lived. 

Jude 1:14-15 mentioned "Enoch" who "prophesied" and referred to a passage mentioning the Lord coming that is similar to what can be found in an ancient Jewish writing called 1 Enoch dating before Christ, in 1 Enoch 1:9. In 1 Enoch 15, GIANTS, when they die, are said to become the EVIL SPIRITS that are on the earth, making an implied connection between GIANTS and EVIL SPIRITS.

If GIANTS were present in the days of Noah and after in another location, could it be that just like the days of Noah EVIL SPIRITS were present before the coming of the Son of Man and after His coming in other locations? If so, Joshua would give us a hint on how to deal with them (as he dealt with GIANTS when entering the promised land): they need to be confronted in order to be expulsed from the territory where the saints are. 

You can find the evidence for that below:

It is written during the days of Noah in Genesis 6 that "the GIANTS [Nephilim] were upon the earth IN THOSE DAYS; and after that when the sons of God would enter into the daughters of people, and they were giving birth to (children) to them" (Genesis 6:4).

These "GIANTS [Nephilim]" (Genesis 6:4) are mentioned to still be present after the days of Noah, as it is written in Numbers 13:33 after having sent spies to the land outside the wilderness: "they brought a bewilderment of the land which they spied out upon the sons of Israel, saying, “The land which we passed by to spy it out, (is) a land eating up the ones inhabiting upon it; (and) all the people whom we saw in it (are) men of extraordinary stature. And THERE WE SAW THE GIANTS [Nephilim]; and we were before them as locusts, but also thus we were before them!”" (Numbers 13:32-33). Here, "GIANTS [Nephilim]" (Numbers 13:33) were still existing, even though this happened after the days of Noah.

Jude wrote: "Enoch, (the) seventh from Adam, prophesied (with regard to) these (ones), saying, “Behold — (the) Lord came with His holy myriads to-execute judgment against all" (Jude 1:14-15). A similar quote may be found in an ancient Jewish writing called "1 Enoch" dating before Christ, in which it reads: "Behold, he will arrive with ten million of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all" (1 Enoch 1:9). The Jewish book of 1 Enoch seems to make a connection between GIANTS [Nephilim] and evil spirits. It is written in 1 Enoch 15: "now the GIANTS who are born from the (union of) the spirits and the flesh SHALL BE CALLED EVIL SPIRITS upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. EVIL SPIRITS HAVE COME OUT OF THEIR BODIES" (1 Enoch 15:8-9). The GIANTS here, when they die, are said to become the EVIL SPIRITS that are on the earth. 

If GIANTS were present in the days of Noah and afterward in another location, could it be that just like the days of Noah EVIL SPIRITS were present before the coming of the Son of Man and after His coming in other locations? If so, Joshua would give us a hint on how to deal with that (as he dealt with GIANTS when entering the promised land): they need to be confronted in order to be expulsed from the territory where the saints are. 

For example it is written how enemies escaped because they had been defeated by Joshua: "it happened when Joshua and all (the) sons of Israel ceased striking them with an exceedingly great slaughter until into (the) end, that THE ONES ESCAPING, ESCAPED into the strong citiesAnd all the people returned safe to Joshua" (Joshua 10:20-21).

To see how this could also match a 1st century Exodus pattern (reflecting the events that happened in the 1st century):
1st century Exodus (and beyond)?
Click here
