In the days of Moses, the people were slaves of their works for the Egyptians. God then sent Moses to perform miracles and set them free from the slavery in Egypt and as a result perform a great act of salvation. 40 years later, after this generation passed away, Joshua came. A city (Jericho) was then encircled and destroyed. This was the result of the original Exodus.
Similarly, in the days of Jesus, the people were slaves of their sins. God sent His Son Jesus, the One like Moses, to perform miracles and set them free from the slavery of sin and as a result perform a great act of salvation. 40 years later, before this generation passed away, Jesus (whose name in Greek can be the same as the name for "Joshua") came. A city (Jerusalem) was then encircled and destroyed. This was the result of a greater Exodus.
You can find the evidence below.
Hints of a greater Exodus
Many allusions and hints to the Exodus can be found in the New Testament.
Jesus was said to be One like Moses (who was sent for the Exodus in Egypt), as it is written about Jesus that: "MOSES said that ‘(The) Lord our GOD WILL-RAISE-UP (A) PROPHET (for) you from your brothers LIKE ME" (Acts 3:22), "GOD, HAVING-RAISED-UP His servant JESUS, sent Him forth to you" (Acts 3:26).
Before Jesus went to the cross, it was written that "TWO MEN WERE-TALKING-WITH HIM, who were MOSES and Elijah —who, having-appeared in glory, were-speaking (of) His DEPARTURE [exodos 1841 in Greek] which He-was-about to-bring-to-fulfillment in Jerusalem" (Luke 9:30-31). The Greek word used here for "DEPARTURE" (Luke 9:31) is "exodos", from which comes the word "Exodus".
The 1st century Christians made allusions of the period after this Exodus, as for example Jude mentioned that "(while) making every effort to-be-writing (to) you concerning our common SALVATION" (Jude 1:3) gave the example of how the Lord "SAVED (the) people out of (the) land (of) Egypt" (Jude 1:5).
Paul wrote to "Be-running in-this-manner: that you-may-take-hold-of (the prize)" (1 Corinthians 9:24) and added 4 verses later: "FOR I-do not want you to-be-unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all went through the sea, and all were-baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they-were-drinking from (a) spiritual rock following (them). And the rock was Christ. But God was not well-pleased with the majority (of) them, for they-were-strewn in the wilderness. Now THESE (THINGS) TOOK-PLACE (AS) OUR EXAMPLES, so that we (might) not be desirers (of) evil (things), as those-also desired" (1 Corinthians 10:1-6), "Now these (things) were-happening (to) those (ones) AS-A-TYPE. And IT-WAS-WRITTEN FOR OUR ADMONITION, on whom the ends (of) the ages have-come" (1 Corinthians 10:11).
Later "JOSHUA" came, which name can be related to "JESUS" as both read the same in Greek. For example "JOSHUA [Iésous 2424 in Greek]" in Hebrews 4:8 is the same Greek word as "JESUS [Iésous 2424 in Greek], the Son of God" in Hebrews 4:14.
More examples can be found below.
Exodus 1: People were enslaved
In the Exodus, people were slaves to do the works of the Egyptians, as it is written: "the Egyptians were oppressing the sons of Israel by force. And they were embittering their life by hard labors, in the clay and in brickmaking, and all the works in the plains, according to all the works, in which they were ENSLAVING them with force" (Exodus 1:13-14).
In the 1st century, people were slaves to do sin, as it is written: "Jesus was-saying to the Jews having-believed Him, “If you remain in My word, you-are truly My disciples, and you-will-know the truth, and the truth will-set you free”. They-responded to Him, “We-are (the) seed (of) Abraham, and (TO) NO-ONE HAVE-WE EVER BEEN-SLAVES. How (is it) You say that ‘You-will-become free’?” Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I-say (to) you that everyone DOING SIN is (a) SLAVE (of) sin" (John 8:31-34).
Exodus 1: People were oppressed
In the Exodus, people were oppressed by Egyptians (and ultimately the Pharaoh), as it is written: "the Egyptians WERE OPPRESSING [katadunasteuo 2616 in Greek] the sons of Israel" (Exodus 1:13).
In the 1st century, people were oppressed by demons (and ultimately the devil), as it is written: "Jesus from Nazareth — how God anointed Him (with the) Holy Spirit and (with) power; Who went-about doing-good and healing all the (ones) BEING-OPPRESSED [katadunasteuo 2616 in Greek] by the devil" (Acts 10:38).
Exodus 12: A Passover lamb was sacrificed
In the Exodus, a Passover lamb was sacrificed: "take to yourselves a LAMB according to your kindreds, and SACRIFICE the PASSOVER" (Exodus 12:21), "It will be to you a LAMB UNBLEMISHED" (Exodus 12:5), "a BONE of it you WILL NOT BREAK" (Exodus 12:46), and apply its "BLOOD upon the lintel" (Exodus 12:23) and so "you will observe [THE FEAST of] UNLEAVENED Bread" (Exodus 12:17).
In the 1st century, Jesus was sacrificed, so that "our PASSOVER [LAMB] WAS-SACRIFIED — Christ. So-then let us celebrate-THE-FEAST not with old leaven, nor with (the) leaven (of) badness and evilness, but with (the) UNLEAVENED (loaves of) purity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:7-8). When Jesus was sacrificed, "having-come to Jesus, when they-saw Him already dead, they-did NOT BREAK His legs" (John 19:33) "For these (things) took-place in-order-that the Scripture [in Exodus 12:46] might-be-fulfilled: “(A) BONE (of) His will NOT BE-BROKEN”." (John 19:36). People are thus redeemed with the "BLOOD (of) Christ, as (of a) LAMB UNBLEMISHED" (1 Peter 1:19).
Exodus 14: All were baptized into the One who was sent by God
In the Exodus, "all WERE-BAPTIZED INTO Moses" (1 Corinthians 10:2).
In the 1st century, Paul wrote of "all we who WERE-BAPTIZED INTO Christ Jesus" (Romans 6:3).
Exodus 15: The people were saved
In the Exodus, "the Lord, once HAVING-SAVED (the) PEOPLE out of (the) land (of) Egypt" (Jude 1:5).
In the 1st century, this was a type of "our common SALVATION" (Jude 1:3). Paul thus wrote: "WE-WERE-SAVED" (Romans 8:24) as it was written that "He-WILL-SAVE His PEOPLE from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).
Exodus 16: The people can abide in God by eating the bread from heaven
In the Exodus, it was written: "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it has-been-written: ‘He-gave them BREAD OUT-OF HEAVEN to-eat’”" (Psalms 78:24, John 6:31).
In the 1st century, "Jesus said (to) them, “Truly, truly, I-say (to) you, Moses has not given you the bread out-of heaven, but My Father is-giving YOU the true BREAD OUT-OF HEAVEN" (John 6:32), "Jesus said (to) them, “I am the BREAD (of) life" (John 6:35).
Exodus 32: The people became idolaters and did not abide in God
In the Exodus, it was written: "THE PEOPLE SAT-DOWN TO-EAT AND DRINK, AND STOOD-UP TO-PLAY. And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Go quickly, descend from here, for your people whom you brought out of (the) land of Egypt have transgressed. They have quickly gone out of the way which you commanded them; they made for themselves a calf, and prostrated themselves in worship to it, and sacrificed to it" (Exodus 32:6-8).
In the 1st century, it was written: "do not be idolaters, as some (of) them, as-indeed it-has-been-written [in Exodus 32:6], “THE PEOPLE SAT-DOWN TO-EAT AND DRINK, AND STOOD-UP TO-PLAY”." (1 Corinthians 10:7).
Numbers 16: The people became grumblers and did not abide in God
In the Exodus, it was written: "the sons of Israel GRUMBLED" (Numbers 16:41), "And it was, the ones having died in the DESTRUCTION (were) fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides the ones having died on account of Korah" (Numbers 16:49).
In the 1st century, it was written: "DO NOT BE-GRUMBLING, like some (of) them grumbled, and perished by the DESTROYER" (1 Corinthians 10:10).
Numbers 21: The people spoke against Moses but were given the opportunity to abide in God
In the Exodus, it was written: "the people spoke towards God and against Moses, saying, “Why have you brought us out of Egypt to kill us in the wilderness? For there is not bread nor water; and our soul loathes this hollow bread.” And the LORD sent into the people SERPENTS, the ones having danger of death, and they bit the people, and many people of the sons [and daughters] of Israel died" (Numbers 21:5-6), "And the LORD said to Moses, “Make for yourself a SERPENT, and put it on a signal-(staff); and it will be (that) if a serpent shall bite a person, everyone having been bitten, having looked at it will LIVE" (Numbers 21:8).
In the 1st century, it was written: "just-as Moses lifted-up the SERPENT in the wilderness, so the Son (of) Man must be-lifted-up in-order-that everyone putting-faith in Him may-have eternal LIFE" (John 3:14-15). Paul wrote: "let us not be-putting-to-the-test Christ, as some (of) them tested, and were-being-destroyed by the SERPENTS" (1 Corinthians 10:9).
Numbers 22: Balaam went astray
In the Exodus, it was written: "Balaam said to the Angel of the LORD, “I have SINNED" (Numbers 22:34).
In the 1st century, it was written that some people were "leaving-behind (the) straight way, THEY-WENT-ASTRAY, having-followed-after the way (of) Balaam the (son of) Bosor" (2 Peter 2:15).
Numbers 25: The people committed immorality and did not abide in God
In the Exodus, it was written: "the people were desecrated, indulging in gross IMMORALITY with the daughters of Moab" (Numbers 25:1), "And it was, the ones having died in the plague were TWENTY-four THOUSAND" (Numbers 25:9).
In the 1st century, it was written: "let us not be-committing-sexual-IMMORALITY, as some (of) them committed-sexual-immorality, and TWENTY three THOUSAND fell (in) one day" (1 Corinthians 10:8).
Numbers 32: This generation of forty years
In the Exodus, it was written: "the LORD was angry with wrath with Israel; and He caused them to wander in the wilderness FORTY YEARS, UNTIL ALL THE GENERATION, the ones doing the evil in the sight of the LORD, WAS EXTINCT" (Numbers 32:13).
In the 1st century, it was written: "do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion during the day (of) testing in the wilderness, where your fathers tested (Me) with (a) trial and saw My works (for) FORTY YEARS. Therefore I-was-angry (with) THIS GENERATION and said, ‘They are always going-astray (in) the heart, and they did not know My ways’. As I-swore in My wrath, they will (never) enter into My rest”." (Hebrews 3:8-12).
Jesus said: "they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) heaven" (Matthew 24:30), "Truly I-say (to) you that THIS GENERATION by-no-means may-pass-away until all these (things) may-take-place" (Matthew 24:34).
For more information on Matthew 24:34:
Matthew 24:34 - This generation will not pass away (1st century historical fulfillment?):
Click here
Joshua 1: The one named Joshua came
In the Exodus, it was written: "after the death of Moses, the LORD spoke to JOSHUA [...] saying, “[...] now then having arisen, cross over the Jordan (River), you and all this people, into the land, which I give to them" (Joshua 1:1-2).
In the 1st century, Jesus said that before "this generation" (Matthew 24:34) passed away, "they-will-see THE SON (of) MAN COMING on the clouds (of) heaven" (Matthew 24:30). The name for "JESUS" can also be translated as "JOSHUA" in Greek.
Around AD 66, an army of glittering appearance was seen coming in the clouds.
For more information on that:
Matthew 24:30 - Coming on the clouds with angels (1st century historical fulfillment?):
Click here
Joshua 6: A city was surrounded and desolated
In the Exodus, it was written: "(By) faith the walls (of) Jericho FELL, HAVING-BEEN-SURROUNDED [küklōthenta 2944 in Greek] for seven days" (Hebrews 11:30).
The Greek word for "SURROUNDED" [kukloó 2944 in Greek, verb] is only used 1 time in Matthew, Mark & Luke combined: only in Luke 21:20.
In the 1st century, it was written in Luke 21:20: "when you-see Jerusalem BEING-SURROUNDED by army-encampments, then recognize that her DESOLATION has-drawn-near" (Luke 21:20-21).
Around AD 70, Jerusalem, after being surrounded by armies, was desolated.
For more information:
Matthew 24:15 & Luke 21:20 - Jerusalem surrounded by armies (1st century historical fulfillment?):
Click here
Joshua 21: The one named Joshua taking the people into the promised land
Joshua, when he came, was to take the people to go to the promised land, as it was written: "after the death of Moses, the LORD spoke to JOSHUA [...] saying, “[...] now then having arisen, cross over the Jordan (River), you and all this people, into the land, which I give to them" (Joshua 1:1-2). It was thus later written in Joshua 21: "So the LORD gave to Israel all THE LAND which He swore an oath to give to their fathers; and they INHERITED it, and dwelt in it. And the LORD gave them rest round about" (Joshua 21:43-44).
In the 1st century, the promised land would have been... to go to heaven.
When Abraham reached the earthly land promised to him, he only dwelt in tents, knowing that another land was promised to him: a heavenly land. It is written in Hebrews: "(By) faith Abraham, being-called, obeyed to-go-out to (a) place which he-was-going-to receive for (an) INHERITANCE. And he-went-out not knowing where he-was-going. (By) faith he-stayed in (the) LAND (of) the promise as (a land) belonging-to-another, having-dwelled in tents with Isaac and Jacob" (Hebrews 11:8-9) and so "these all died not having-received the promises, but having-seen them from-a-distance, and having-greeted (them), and having-confessed that they-are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For the (ones) saying such (things) are-making-clear that they-are-seeking-for (a) homeland. And if they-had-been-remembering that (homeland) from which they-came-out, they-would-have-had opportunity to-return — but as-it-is, they-are-aspiring-to (a) better (homeland); that is, (a) HEAVENLY (one)" (Hebrews 11:13-16).
Peter wrote to His 1st century audience about the "unfading INHERITANCE having-been-reserved IN (the) HEAVENS" (1 Peter 1:4).
In the 1st century, when Jesus came, He would have taken the people to go to the promised land... which would have been heaven. There is evidence that when Jesus came on the clouds around AD 66, what appears to have been souls were seen rising from the ground. These souls would have end up going to heaven.
For more information:
Resurrection from the dead (1st century historical fulfillment?)
Click here
Joshua 21: The people are given authority over cities
After that Joshua came, it was written that "to the sons of Kohath having been left were (given by) lot TEN CITIES out of the tribe of Ephraim, and out of the tribe of Dan, and from the half tribe of Manasseh" (Joshua 21:5).
In the 1st century, Jesus said: "the Son (of) Man is-about to-come in the glory (of) His Father with His angels. And at-that-time He-will-give-back (to) each (one) according-to his practice. Truly I-say (to) you that there-are some (of) the (ones) standing here who will by no means taste death until they-see the Son (of) Man coming" (Matthew 16:27-28). Jesus added that a reward that He could give was to have authority over TEN CITIES as He said that "at his return" (Luke 19:15), He was to give rewards to His servants, as "he-said (that) these slaves (to) whom he-had-given the money (should) be-called (to) him in-order-that he-might-come-to-know what they gained-through-doing-business. And the first (one) arrived, saying, ‘Lord, your mina earned ten minas’. And he-said (to) him, ‘Very-well (done), good slave. Because you-proved-to-be faithful in (a) very-little (thing) — be having authority over TEN CITIES" (Luke 19:15-17).
More events happened after the chapters mentioned above, and so likewise events could go beyond the 1st century for the people of God.
One theme for example that was repeated throughout the generations was how great the Exodus that God performed was.
Moreover, there may be evidence that the eternal judgment could still happen beyond the 1st century to those who died. Humans could be set as judges to judge the people. This would be consistent with judges having been set later after Joshua in order to judge the people.
For more information on that:
Eternal judgment (1st century historical fulfillment and beyond?)
Click here
Furthermore, after that Joshua destroyed the enemies of God, more enemies could still be found in other locations. Such pattern may be reflected in the fact that spiritual entities that were enemies of God could have been judged in the 1st century yet more may be found in other locations which can be confronted and scattered away.
For more information on that:
Eternal judgment of the devil, his angels, demons (1st century fulfillment?)
Click here
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