Matthew 24:8 - Birth-pains (1st century biblical fulfillment?)
Matthew 24:8 (1st century biblical fulfillment?)
Matthew 24:7 - Famines and earthquakes (1st century biblical & historical fulfillment?):
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Matthew 24:8
Matthew 24:9 - Affliction, killed, hated (1st century biblical & historical fulfillment?):
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The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:8: "But all THESE (THINGS are a) beginning (of) BIRTH-PAINS."
What would be "all THESE (THINGS)" (Matthew 24:8) that Jesus would refer to?
In the previous verses, Jesus said: "many will-come on-the-basis-of My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’. And they-will-deceive many. And you-will-be-about (to) hear(-of) wars and rumors (of) wars. See (that) you are not alarmed! For (they) must take-place, but it is not-yet the end. For nation will-arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there-will-be FAMINES and earthquakes in various-places" (Matthew 24:5-7). This is then that Jesus added: "But all THESE (THINGS are a) beginning (of) BIRTH-PAINS" (Matthew 24:8).
Jesus then added: "At-that-time they-will-hand you over to AFFLICTION, and THEY-WILL-KILL you" (Matthew 24:9) and "the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold" (Matthew 24:12).
Later in the 1st century, Paul wrote to His 1st century audience: "we-know that the whole creation is-groaning-together and SUFFERING-BIRTHPAINS-TOGETHER until the present" (Romans 8:22). The Greek word here for "SUFFERING-BIRTHPAINS-TOGETHER" (Romans 8:22) is in the present tense, thus referring to an event that was happening at this time when Paul was writing this. This Greek word is only used 1 time in the entire New Testament: only in Romans 8:22.
The Greek word for "SUFFERING-BIRTHPAINS-TOGETHER" [sunódinó 4944 in Greek, verb] used in Romans 8:22 comes from the Greek word for "with" [sun 4862 in Greek, preposition] and the Greek word for "to-suffer-birth-pains" [ódinó 5605 in Greek, verb] which comes from "BIRTH-PAINS" [ódin 5604 in Greek, verb] which is used in Matthew 24:8.
Paul wrote about "SUFFERING-BIRTHPAINS-TOGETHER until the present" (Romans 8:22) in the context of writing about similar things that Jesus said in Matthew 24:5-12, as for example Paul then added: "Who shall-separate us from the LOVE (of) Christ? AFFLICTION, or distress, or persecution, or FAMINE, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it-has-been-written that “For-your-sake WE-ARE-BEING-PUT-TO-DEATH the whole day" (Romans 8:35-36).
This can be similar to what Jesus said in the context of "BIRTH-PAINS" (Matthew 24:8), that "the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold" (Matthew 24:12), "they-will-hand you over to AFFLICTION" (Matthew 24:9), "there-will-be FAMINES" (Matthew 24:7) and "THEY-WILL-KILL you" (Matthew 24:9).
For more similarities between Matthew 24 & Romans 8: Click here
Birth-pains in the context of the destruction of a city?
It is written in Matthew 24:8: "all these (things are a) beginning (of) BIRTH-PAINS".
The "BIRTH-PAINS" (Matthew 24:8) is an expression that can be used to refer to things happening in the context of the destruction of a city.
For example, regarding the destruction of Babylon it was written: "A vision which Isaiah son of Amoz saw against Babylon" (Isaiah 13:1), "Be wailing, for the day of the LORD [is] near, and destruction from God will come!" (Isaiah 13:6), "the elders will be troubled, and BIRTH-PAINS will seize them, as of a woman giving birth" (Isaiah 13:8).
1st century events
In the 1st century, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed with its temple, around AD 70.
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