Matthew 24:23-25 (1st century biblical fulfillment?)
Matthew 24:22 - Days shortened (1st century historical fulfillment?):
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Matthew 24:23-25
Matthew 24:26 - In the wilderness (1st century historical fulfillment?):
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Matthew 24:23: "At-that-time if someone says (to) you, ‘Behold — here (is) the Christ,’ or ‘Here’, do not believe (it)."
Matthew 24:24: "For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise and give great signs and wonders, so as to-deceive, if possible, even the chosen (ones)."
Matthew 24:25: "Behold — I-have-foretold you."
1st century audience?
The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:23-25: "At-that-time if someone says (to) YOU, ‘Behold — here (is) the Christ,’ or ‘Here’, DO NOT BELIEVE (it). For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise [...] Behold — I-have-foretold YOU."
Jesus addressed here His 1st century disciples, as 20 verses earlier "the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us" (Matthew 24:3) and "having-responded, Jesus said (to) them" (Matthew 24:4) these things.
Jesus in Matthew 24:23 commanded His 1st century disciples "DO NOT BELIEVE" (Matthew 24:23) when someone "says (to) YOU" (Matthew 24:23) some things.
Jesus added the word "For" (Matthew 24:24) in "For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise" (Matthew 24:24) to explain that His 1st century disciples should not believe these things explaining that it will be false christs and false prophets who will arise at some point to say these things to them.
Jesus then warned His 1st century disciples in the next verse that He foretold them these things: "Behold — I-have-foretold YOU" (Matthew 24:25).
False prophets?
It is written in Matthew 24:24: "false-christs and FALSE-PROPHETS will-arise".
It is written later in the 1st century in 1 John: "many FALSE-PROPHETS have-gone-out into the world" (1 John 4:1). The Greek word for "have-gone-out" (1 John 4:1) is in the perfect tense, referring to a past event.
Jesus also indicated that one does not have to BELIEVE them, saying in Matthew 24:24: "if someone says (to) you, ‘Behold — here (is) the Christ,’ or ‘Here’, DO NOT BELIEVE (it). For false-christs and FALSE-PROPHETS will-arise".
It is specifically written in 1 John: "Beloved, DO NOT BELIEVE every spirit, but be-testing the spirits (to see) if they-are out-of God, because many FALSE-PROPHETS have-gone-out into the world" (1 John 4:1)
There are also similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 John 4, which may further indicate that Matthew 24:24 and 1 John 4:1 could refer to similar events.
For more similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 John 4:
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False christs who deceive?
It is written in Matthew 24:24: "FALSE-CHRISTS and false-prophets will-arise".
It is written later in the 1st century in 1 John: "even now many antichrists have-arisen — from which we-know that it-is (the) last hour" (1 John 2:18).
The many "antichrists" (1 John 2:18) that later in the 1st century "have-arisen" (1 John 2:18) may have been the many "FALSE-CHRISTS" (Matthew 24:24) that Jesus announced earlier in the 1st century that "will-arise" (Matthew 24:24).
John added that the fact that many antichrists had arisen later in the 1st century was evidence that at that point "we-know that it-is (the) last hour" (1 John 2:18). This could be because this would have been one of the last things to happen before the coming of the Son of Man described a few verses later by Jesus in Matthew 24:30.
It is written in Matthew 24:24: "false-christs and false-prophets will-arise [...] so as TO-DECEIVE".
A few verses after writing that "antichrists have-arisen" (1 John 2:18), it is added: "I-wrote these (things to) you concerning the (ones) DECEIVING you" (1 John 2:26).
There are also similarities between Matthew 24:24-27 and 1 John 2, which may further indicate that Matthew 24:24 and 1 John 2:18 could refer to similar events.
For example, Jesus said that "false-christs and false-prophets will-arise [...] so as TO-DECEIVE" (Matthew 24:24), and in contrast indicated that "just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the COMING (of) the Son (of) Man" (Matthew 24:27).
In 1 John 2 it is written that "antichrists have-arisen" (1 John 2:18) "DECEIVING you" (1 John 2:26), and in contrast it is indicated about Jesus that "if He-appears, we-may-have confidence and not be-put-to-shame by Him at His COMING" (1 John 2:28).
This specific Greek word for "COMING" [parousia 3952 in Greek] is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24.
For more similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 John 2:
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