Similarities - Matthew 24 & 1 John 2

Similarities: Matthew 24 & 1 John 2

There are similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 John 2. 

For similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 John 3: Click here

The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.

Matthew 24

1 John 2

"the sun will-be-darkened [...] Heaven and earth will-pass-away"

(Matthew 24:29 & Matthew 24:35)

"the darkness is-passing-away"

(1 John 2:8)

"just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and IS-APPEARING as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man"

(Matthew 24:27)

"the darkness is-passing-away and the true Light IS-APPEARING already"

(1 John 2:8)

"many will-be-caused-to-fall, and will-hand one-another over, and WILL-HATE one-another"

(Matthew 24:10)

"The (one) loving his brother is-abiding in the light, and there-is no cause-of-falling in him. But the (one) HATING his brother is in the darkness"

(1 John 2:10-11)

"the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied"

(Matthew 24:12)

"If anyone may-be-loving the world, the LOVE (of) the Father is not in him"

(1 John 2:15)

The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12.

"Heaven and earth will-pass-away, BUT My words by-no-means will-pass-away"

(Matthew 24:35)

"the world is-passing-away, and its desire. BUT the (one) doing the will (of) God abides to the age"

(1 John 2:17)

"false-christs and false-prophets will-arise"

(Matthew 24:24)

"even now many antichrists have-arisen — from which we-know that it-is (the) last hour"

(1 John 2:18)

"false-christs and false-prophets will-arise and give great signs and wonders, so as TO-DECEIVE, if possible, even the chosen (ones)"

(Matthew 24:24)

"I-wrote these (things to) you concerning the (ones) DECEIVING you"

(1 John 2:26)

"just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the COMING (of) the Son (of) Man"

(Matthew 24:27)

"if He-appears, we-may-have confidence and not be-put-to-shame by Him at His COMING"

(1 John 2:28)

This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24.

You can find below the details:

Matthew 24:29: "“And immediately with the affliction (in) those days, the sun will-be-darkened (skotisthēsetai 4654 in Greek), and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will-fall from the heaven, and the powers (of) the heavens will-be-shaken."

Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away (parelthōsin 3928 in Greek), but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."

1 John 2:8: "(Yet-)again I-am-writing (a) new commandment (to) you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness (skotia 4653 in Greek) is-passing-away (paragetai 3855 in Greek) and the true Light is-shining already."

(The Greek word for "will-be-darkened" (skotizó 4654 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:29 and the Greek word for "darkness" (skotia 4653 in Greek, verb) used in 1 John 2:8 both come from the Greek word for "darkness" (skotos 4655 in Greek, noun)). 

(The Greek word for "will-pass-away" (parerchomai 3928 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:35 comes from the Greek word for "from" (para 3844 in Greek, preposition) and the Greek word for "to-come" (erchomai 2064 in Greek, verb)). 

The Greek word for "is-passing-away" (paragó 3855 in Greek, verb) used in 1 John 2:8 comes from the Greek word for "from" (para 3844 in Greek, preposition) and the Greek word for "to-bring" (agó 71 in Greek, verb)).

Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and IS-APPEARING as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."

1 John 2:8: "(Yet-)again I-am-writing (a) new commandment (to) you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is-passing-away and the true Light IS-APPEARING already."

Matthew 24:10: "And then many will-be-caused-to-fall (skandalisthēsontai 4624 in Greek), and will-hand one-another over, and WILL-HATE one-another."

1 John 2:10: "The (one) loving his brother is-abiding in the light, and there-is no cause-of-falling (skandalon 4625 in Greek) in him."

1 John 2:11: "But the (one) HATING his brother is in the darkness, and is-walking in the darkness, and knows not where he-is-going because the darkness blinded his eyes."

(The Greek word for "will-be-caused-to-fall" (skandalizó 4624 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:10 comes from the Greek word for "cause-of-falling" (skandalon 4626 in Greek, noun) used in 1 John 2:10). 

Matthew 24:12: "And the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied."

1 John 2:15: "Do not be-loving the world, nor the (things) in the world. If anyone may-be-loving the world, the LOVE (of) the Father is not in him."

(The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12).

Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away (parelthōsin 3928 in Greek), BUT My words by-no-means will-pass-away."

1 John 2:17: "And the world is-passing-away (paragetai 3855 in Greek), and its desire. BUT the (one) doing the will (of) God abides to the age."

(The Greek word for "will-pass-away" (parerchomai 3928 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:35 comes from the Greek word for "from" (para 3844 in Greek, preposition) and the Greek word for "to-come" (erchomai 2064 in Greek, verb)). 

The Greek word for "is-passing-away" (paragó 3855 in Greek, verb) used in 1 John 2:17 comes from the Greek word for "from" (para 3844 in Greek, preposition) and the Greek word for "to-bring" (agó 71 in Greek, verb)). 

Matthew 24:24: "For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise and give great signs and wonders, so as to-deceive, if possible, even the chosen (ones)."

1 John 2:18: "Children, it-is (the) last hour. And just-as you-heard that (the) Antichrist is-coming, even now many antichrists have-arisen — from which we-know that it-is (the) last hour."

Matthew 24:24: "For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise and give great signs and wonders, so as TO-DECEIVE, if possible, even the chosen (ones)."

1 John 2:26: "I-wrote these (things to) you concerning the (ones) DECEIVING you."

Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing (phainetai 5316 in Greek) as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the COMING (of) the Son (of) Man."

1 John 2:28: "And now little-children, be-abiding in Him so-that if He-appears (phanerōthē 5319 in Greek), we-may-have confidence and not be-put-to-shame by Him at His COMING."

(The Greek word for "He-appears" (phaneroó 5319 in Greek, verb) used in 1 John 2:28 comes from the Greek word for "apparent" (phaneros 5318 in Greek, adjective), which comes from the Greek word for "is-appearing" (phainó 5316 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:27).

(This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24).
