Eternal judgment (what can it be?)
Eternal judgment (what can it be?)
It is written in Hebrews about "eternal judgment" (Hebrews 6:2).
One understanding of it can be that it refers to an eternal verdict of judgment that can happen after someone dies, as such person would end up standing before the throne in heaven. There, the person would need to give an account for the works that they did on earth, whether good or evil, and receive rewards as a result. Depending on the result of the judgment, one could then end up in a certain place: the righteous ones could end up in the kingdom of the heavens to go into eternal life, and the unrighteous ones could end up in eternal fire to go into eternal punishment.
You can find below evidences for that.
Term: Eternal "judgment"
It is written in Hebrews about "eternal JUDGMENT" (Hebrews 6:2).
The Greek word for "JUDGMENT" [krima 2917 in Greek, noun] used in Hebrews 6:2 can refer to a verdict of judgment. After a prior trial or investigation, this verdict of judgment is then given at the end of it. This verdict of judgment here is described as "eternal" (Hebrews 6:2).
Contrary to that Greek word, another Greek word in the Bible can be used to refer to a process of "JUDGMENT" [krisis 2920 in Greek, noun]. This is not the Greek word used here.
Example of eternal judgment
It is written in Hebrews about "ETERNAL judgment" (Hebrews 6:2). This is within "the message (of) the beginning (concerning) Christ" (Hebrews 6:1).
The only explicit example of an "ETERNAL" verdict of judgment in the entire New Testament (following a trial) can be found in Matthew 25:31-46 in which it is written about Christ that "when the Son (of) Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, at-that-time He-will-sit on (the) throne (of) His glory, and all the nations will-be-gathered before Him. And He-will-separate them from one-another, just-as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats" (Matthew 25:31-32). The following works were then mentioned: "I-was-hungry, and you-gave Me (something) to-eat. I-thirsted, and you-gave-a-drink (to) Me. I-was (a) stranger, and you-brought Me in; naked, and you-clothed Me. I-was-sick, and you-looked-after Me. I-was in prison, and you-came to Me" (Matthew 25:35-36). Regarding that group, the "ETERNAL" verdict was that "the righteous (ones will go) to ETERNAL life" (Matthew 25:46), but regarding the other group who did not do these works, the "ETERNAL" verdict was that they "will-go into ETERNAL punishment" (Matthew 25:46).
The process of judgment is destined for people after death
It is written in Hebrews about "eternal JUDGMENT" (Hebrews 6:2).
3 chapter later, it is written: "it-is-destined (for) people TO-DIE once and AFTER THIS (comes the) JUDGMENT" (Hebrews 9:27). The Greek word used here for "JUDGMENT" (Hebrews 9:27) refers to a process of judgment.
In Revelation, there is the description of a judgment happening in which "DEAD (ONES)" are being judged, as it is written: "I-saw the DEAD (ONES) — the great and the small — standing before the throne. And books were-opened. And another book was-opened, which is (the book of) life. And the DEAD (ONES) WERE-JUDGED from the (things) having-been-written in the books, according-to their works" (Revelation 20:12).
Early Christian authors wrote that people would die before being able to receive promises of God linked to the judgment.
Around the 3rd century AD, a Christian author named Cyprian wrote in "Treatise":
(7.6): "On your departure from this world, God promises to you immortality and eternity. And do you doubt?"
Around the 4th century AD, a Christian author named Lactantius wrote in "Divine Institutes":
(Book III, chapter 19): "Death is to be weighed in accordance with the past actions of life. So it comes to pass that if life has been spent in the service of God, death is not an evil thing. For it is a transplanting to immortality. But if life has not been spent this way, death must necessarily be something evil. For it then transports men to everlasting punishment."
Judgment happens out of the body that one has on earth
Paul wrote: "we indeed are-ambitious to-be pleasing (to) Him — whether being-in-home or BEING-OUT-OF-HOME" (2 Corinthians 5:9), mentioning that "BEING-OUT-OF-HOME" (2 Corinthians 5:9) 1 verse earlier can mean "TO-BE-OUT-OF-HOME, out-of the body" (2 Corinthians 5:8).
Paul then used the conjunction "FOR" and added: "FOR we all must appear before the judgment-seat (of) Christ in-order-that each (one) might-receive-back the (things done) THROUGH THE BODY, in-accordance-with (the things) which he-practiced, whether good or evil" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Here, after being "out-of the body" (2 Corinthians 5:8), one is to appear before the judgment-seat of Christ to receive back the things done "THROUGH THE BODY" (2 Corinthians 5:10) when they were on earth in the body.
An early Christian author wrote that after that the soul departed from the world it would be rewarded according to its actions.
In the 3th century, a Christian author named Origen wrote in "De Principiis":
Preface, chapter 5: "the apostolic teaching is that the soul [...] shall, after its departure from the world, be rewarded according to its deserts, being destined to obtain either an inheritance of eternal life and blessedness, if its actions shall have procured this for it, or to be delivered up to eternal fire and punishments, if the guilt of its crimes shall have brought it down to this"
Judgment happens in heaven, before the throne
The judgment is set to happen in heaven, before the throne.
In Matthew 25, the judgment is happening when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, as it is written: "when the Son (of) Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, at-that-time HE-WILL-SIT on (the) THRONE (of) His GLORY, and all the nations will-be-gathered before Him. And He-will-separate them from one-another" (Matthew 25:31-32). It is written in Hebrews about "Christ did not GLORIFY Himself to-become High-Priest" (Hebrew 5:5), but "we-have such (a) High-Priest, Who SAT(-DOWN) at (the) right (hand of) the THRONE (of) the Majesty IN THE HEAVENS" (Hebrews 8:1).
In Revelation, it is written that "(a) THRONE was-setting (there) IN HEAVEN, and (One) sitting on the throne" (Revelation 4:2), and before that THRONE there is the description of a judgment happening, as it is written: "I-saw (a) great white THRONE, and the (One) sitting on it" (Revelation 20:11), "And I-saw the dead (ones) — the great and the small — standing BEFORE THE THRONE. And books were-opened. And another book was-opened, which is (the book of) life. And the dead (ones) were-judged from the (things) having-been-written in the books, according-to their works" (Revelation 20:12).
An early Christian writing recorded that an early Christian named Justin Martyr (who lived around the 2nd century AD) believed that he would receive some recompense after he would ascend into heaven.
Around the 2nd century AD, it was written in "Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs":
(1.306): "Rusticus the prefect said, “Do you suppose, then, that you will ascend into heaven to receive some recompense?” Justin replied, “I do not suppose it, but I know and am fully persuaded of it.”"
People who died way earlier can also be present
People who died way earlier can also be present at the judgment.
For example: "NINEVITE MEN will-rise-up AT THE JUDGMENT WITH this generation, and they-will-condemn it. Because they-repented at the proclamation (of) Jonah, and behold — a greater (thing than) Jonah (is) here" (Matthew 12:41).
Another example: "(The) QUEEN (of the) SOUTH will-be-raised AT THE JUDGMENT WITH this generation, and she-will-condemn it. Because she-came from the ends (of) the earth to-hear the wisdom (of) Solomon, and behold — (a) greater (thing than) Solomon (is) here" (Matthew 12:42).
The Son is the One judging
It is written about the "FATHER, the (One) JUDGING without-showing-favoritism according-to the work (of) each (person)" (1 Peter 1:17). The FATHER Himself would not directly be judging people, as the Father would instead be judging people through His Son. Jesus said that "the FATHER DOES NOT-EVEN JUDGE anyone, BUT He-has-given all judgment (to) the SON" (John 5:22) as "He-gave Him authority to-execute judgment" (John 5:27). In that sense it can be said that the FATHER is the One judging, even though He Himself does not judge anyone directly but does it through His SON.
To illustrate this principle, Solomon for example was said to lay the foundation of the house even though He Himself did not directly lay it (instead he commanded other people to do it), as it is written: "KING SOLOMON over Israel, that THE KING COMMANDED THAT THEY carry great and costly stones for the foundation of the house, and unhewn stones. And THE MEN OF SOLOMON, and the men of Hiram hewed and LAID them. In the fourth year HE LAID the foundation of the house of the LORD" (1 Kings 6:1).
In Matthew 25, the judgment is happening when THE SON OF MAN sits on the throne of His glory, as it is written: "when THE SON (of) MAN comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, at-that-time HE-WILL-SIT on (the) THRONE (of) His GLORY, and all the nations will-be-gathered before Him. And He-will-separate them from one-another" (Matthew 25:31-32).
An early Christian author wrote that the Son (whom he referred to as "the Word") is the One administering the judgment of the Father.
In the 3th century, a Christian author named Hippolytus (of Rome) wrote in "Against Plato, On the Cause of the Universe":
Chapter 3: "Everyone — righteous and unrighteous alike — will be brought before [...] the Word. For the Father has committed all judgment to Him. [...] He, in administering the righteous judgment of the Father to everyone, assigns to each person what is righteous according to his works"
People can also be judging
The Son can give authority to people to execute judgment, as for example He said to the ones following Him: "Truly I-say (to) you that you, the (ones) having-followed Me — in the rebirth when the Son (of) Man SITS on (the) THRONE (of) His GLORY, YOU ALSO WILL-SIT ON twelve THRONES, JUDGING the twelve tribes (of) Israel" (Matthew 19:28). This is similar to the description six chapters later in Matthew 25 in which the judgment is happening "when THE SON (of) MAN" (Matthew 25:31) is said that "HE-WILL-SIT on (the) THRONE (of) His GLORY" (Matthew 25:31).
A person can be here during the judgment of someone else in order to condemn them, as for example Jesus said: "(The) QUEEN (of the) SOUTH will-be-raised AT THE JUDGMENT WITH this generation, and she-will-condemn it. Because she-came from the ends (of) the earth to-hear the wisdom (of) Solomon, and behold — (a) greater (thing than) Solomon (is) here" (Matthew 12:42).
Paul wrote "(to) the church (of) God being in Corinth, (to ones) having-been-sanctified in Christ Jesus, called HOLY (ones)" (1 Corinthians 1:2): "do-you not know that the HOLY (ones) WILL-JUDGE the world? And if the world IS-JUDGED BY YOU, are-you unworthy (of the) smallest cases?" (1 Corinthians 6:2).
Paul then added: "Do-you not know that WE-will-JUDGE ANGELS?" (1 Corinthians 6:3) and then mentioned six verses later: "do-you not know that UNRIGHTEOUS (ones) will not INHERIT God’s KINGDOM?" (1 Corinthians 6:9). The only time in all the gospels combined in which the expression for "INHERIT" (1 Corinthians 6:9) the KINGDOM can be found is in Matthew 25:34 in which Jesus mentioned that at the judgment the "RIGHTEOUS" (Matthew 25:46) will "INHERIT the KINGDOM" (Matthew 25:34) in contrast with the UNRIGHTEOUS who will go into "the eternal fire having-been-prepared (for) the devil and his ANGELS" (Matthew 25:41).
Judgment is in accordance with one's works
Judgment is in accordance with one's works.
It is written: "For the Son (of) Man is-about to-come in the glory (of) His Father with His angels. And at-that-time He-will-give-back (to) each (one) ACCORDING-TO HIS PRACTICE" (Matthew 16:27).
It is written about "(the) revelation (of the) righteous-judgment (of) God, Who will-give-back (to) each (one) ACCORDING-TO HIS WORKS" (Romans 2:5).
It is written about "the (One) judging without-showing-favoritism ACCORDING-TO THE WORK (of) EACH (person)" (1 Peter 1:17).
It is written: "the dead (ones) were-judged from the (things) having-been-written in the books, ACCORDING-TO THEIR WORKS" (Revelation 20:12).
It is written: "I-am-coming quickly. And My reward (is) with Me, to-give-back (to) each (one) AS HIS WORK IS" (Revelation 22:12).
Judgment is in accordance with the works done while on earth, whether good or evil
Paul wrote: "we all must appear before the judgment-seat (of) Christ in-order-that each (one) might-receive-back the (things done) THROUGH THE BODY, in-accordance-with (the things) which HE-PRACTICED, WHETHER GOOD OR EVIL" (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Jesus gave examples of GOOD WORKS when providing for necessary needs: "I-was-hungry, and you-gave Me (something) to-eat. I-thirsted, and you-gave-a-drink (to) Me. I-was (a) stranger, and you-brought Me in; naked, and you-clothed Me. I-was-sick, and you-looked-after Me. I-was in prison, and you-came to Me" (Matthew 25:35-36). Paul instructed: "our (people must) also be-learning to-take-the-lead (in) GOOD WORKS for necessary needs, in-order-that they-may not be-unfruitful" (Titus 3:14).
Paul instructed regarding EVIL WORKS done in the body on earth to "put-to-death (your) body-part (things) ON EARTH — sexual-immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed" (Colossians 3:5).
An early Christian author wrote people will be judged in according to what they have done good or if they were lovers of wickedness.
In the 3th century, a Christian author named Hippolytus (of Rome) wrote in "Against Plato, On the Cause of the Universe":
Chapter 3: "“Righteousness is Your judgment.” Of which voice the justification will be seen by awarding to each person that which is just. Those who have done good will be justly assigned eternal bliss. To the lovers of wickedness, there will be given eternal punishment."
Eternal life is received in accordance with endurance in good work
After giving an example of judgment in accordance with works, Jesus gave the verdict to those who did good works that "the righteous (ones will go) to ETERNAL LIFE" (Matthew 25:46).
The important factor would not be about how much or how great the good works would be, or what specific good works one did, but that one is ENDURING IN GOOD WORK to be given back ETERNAL LIFE, as Paul wrote about "(the) revelation (of the) righteous-judgment (of) God, Who will-give-back (to) each (one) according-to his works — (to) the (ones) seeking glory and honor and incorruptibility IN-ACCORDANCE-WITH ENDURANCE (IN) GOOD WORK, (He will-give-back) ETERNAL LIFE" (Romans 2:5-7).
Paul also wrote to NOT GROW WEARY or GIVE UP on DOING GOOD to reap ETERNAL LIFE: "Do not be-deceived — God is not mocked. For whatever (a) person sows, this he-will also reap. Because the (one) sowing to his (own) flesh will-reap corruption out-of the flesh. But the (one) sowing to (the) Spirit WILL-REAP ETERNAL LIFE out-of the Spirit. And LET-US NOT GROW-WEARY (WHILE) DOING GOOD. For (in His) own time WE NOT GIVING-UP will-reap" (Galatians 6:7-9).
Judgment is also in accordance with faith
The eternal verdict of judgment will also be in accordance with whether someone has faith or is faithless.
After giving an example of judgment with an eternal verdict in Matthew 25, Jesus gave the verdict that "the RIGHTEOUS (ones will go) to eternal life" (Matthew 25:46). It is written in Romans about "having-been-declared-RIGHTEOUS out-of FAITH" (Romans 5:1).
Around the 3rd century AD, a Christian author named Cyprian wrote in "Treatise":
(5.23): "Believe Him who will give to all believers the reward of eternal life. Believe Him who will call down on unbelievers eternal punishments in the fires of Gehenna."
Judgment is also in accordance with love
The eternal verdict of judgment will also be in accordance with whether someone has loved or not.
James wrote about God and the "INHERITORS (of) the KINGDOM which He-promised (to) the (ones) LOVING Him" (James 2:5). The only time in all the gospels combined in which the expression for "INHERIT" the KINGDOM can be found is in Matthew 25:34 in which Jesus mentioned that at the judgment the righteous will "INHERIT the KINGDOM" (Matthew 25:34).
It is written in 1 John: "the LOVE has-been-perfected with us in-order-that we-may-have confidence ON THE DAY (of) JUDGMENT. Because just-as that (One) is, we also are, in this world. Fear is not in LOVE — rather, perfect LOVE casts fear out, because fear has PUNISHMENT" (1 John 4:17-18). Here "LOVE" (1 John 4:17) is mentioned so that one may have "confidence ON THE DAY (of) JUDGMENT" (1 John 4:17), and may also be contrasted with "PUNISHMENT" (1 John 4:18). The Greek word for "PUNISHMENT" [kolasis 2851 in Greek, noun] used in 1 John 4:18 is only used 1 other time in the entire New Testament, only in Matthew 25:46 in which the unrighteous "will-go into eternal PUNISHMENT" (Matthew 25:46) in the context of a judgment.
It is also written in 1 John: "whoever has the goods (of) the world and SEES HIS BROTHER HAVING (A) NEED and shuts his deep-feelings from him, how is the LOVE (of) God abiding in him?" (1 John 3:17). In the judgment in Matthew 25, those who ended up going "into eternal punishment" (Matthew 25:46) did not take care of the needs of certain BROTHERS, as Jesus said: "they-will-respond, saying, ‘Lord, when did-we-see You hungering, or thirsting, or (a) stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and we-did not serve You?’ Then He-will-respond to them, saying, ‘Truly I-say (to) you, in as-much as you-did not do (it to) one (of) the least (of) these, neither did-you-do (it to) Me’." (Matthew 25:44-46) and the least of these are "the least (of) these My BROTHERS" (Matthew 25:40).
Judgment is in accordance with faith, works and love
Judgment is in accordance with faith, works and love.
Paul mentioned that "in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision CAN-DO ANYTHING, but FAITH WORKING through LOVE" (Galatians 5:6). So "in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 5:6) only "FAITH WORKING through LOVE" (Galatians 5:6) "CAN-DO ANYTHING" (Galatians 5:6).
Paul mentioned how someone just having FAITH would be nothing if that one did not also have LOVE, as for example he wrote: "IF I-HAVE ALL FAITH so-as to-remove mountains, BUT I-DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I-AM-NOTHING" (1 Corinthians 13:2).
Every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord
Paul wrote: "and every tongue will-confess-out that Jesus Christ (is) Lord, to (the) glory (of) God (the) Father" (Philippians 2:11).
While giving an example of judgment in accordance with works, it is mentioned that both the righteous and the unrighteous would call Jesus "Lord", as it is written that "the righteous (ones) will-respond (to) Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did-we-see You hungering" (Matthew 25:37) and then the unrighteous ones "also they-will-respond, saying, ‘Lord, when did-we-see You hungering" (Matthew 25:44).
Places one can go after judgment
It is written in Hebrews about "ETERNAL judgment" (Hebrews 6:2).
As a result of an ETERNAL verdict of judgement, one would go to a place depending on their verdict.
The only explicit example of an "ETERNAL" verdict of judgment in the entire New Testament (following a trial) can be found in Matthew 25:31-46 in which:
Jesus is saying to the righteous ones: "INHERIT THE KINGDOM having-been-prepared (for) you from (the) foundation (of the) world" (Matthew 25:34) and so "the righteous (ones will go) to ETERNAL life" (Matthew 25:46).
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An early Christian author wrote to believe that everyone will be judged individually in the future.
In the 3th century, a Christian author named Gregory Thaumaturgus wrote in "A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes":
Chapter 12: "Believe that everyone will be judged individually in the future and that every man will receive the just compensation for his deeds — whether they are good or evil"
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