What about today? (Beyond the 1st century)
What about today?
Jesus announced in the 1st century that many things "will-pass-away" (Matthew 24:34). One question could be asked: what about today? What are things that can be available today?
The coming ages
In the 1st century, Paul mentioned in Ephesians "the (past) AGES" (Ephesians 3:9) in the plural, and things "in this AGE, but also in the (one) ABOUT-TO(-COME)" (Ephesians 1:21) but also things "in the COMING AGES" (Ephesians 2:7) in the plural.
Jesus is the same to the ages and His words will never pass away
In the 1st century, it was written that "JESUS CHRIST (IS) THE SAME yesterday and today and TO THE AGES" (Hebrews 13:8) in the plural.
Jesus said in the 1st century that even though some things "will-pass-away" (Matthew 24:35), yet He added that "MY WORDS BY-NO-MEANS will-pass-away" (Matthew 24:35).
The eternal (new) covenant
The author of Hebrews wrote about the "new COVENANT" (Hebrews 12:24) indicating that it is an "ETERNAL COVENANT" (Hebrews 13:20).
Within this eternal covenant are laws written upon the hearts of the people, as the author of Hebrews wrote about the "new COVENANT" (Hebrews 8:8), indicating: "this (is) the COVENANT which I-will-covenant [...]: Giving My LAWS into their mind, I-will also write them UPON THEIR HEART" (Hebrews 8:10).
One is not under the law that has to do with the Jews within the new covenant, but one is not without the law of God, as one is within the law of Christ. Paul wrote of "not being myself under (the) Law" (1 Corinthians 9:20) that has to do with "the Jews" (1 Corinthians 9:20), yet Paul indicated that he was "not being without(-the)-Law (of) God, but within(-the)-law (of) Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21). Paul mentioned this law again to the Galatians when writing about "the law (of) Christ" (Galatians 6:2).
Contrary to Moses who had laws written on tablets of stone which read "You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14), Christ said: "“You-heard that it-was-said, ‘You-shall not commit-adultery’. BUT I say (to) you that everyone looking (at a) woman so-as to-desire her already committed-adultery (with) her IN HIS HEART" (Matthew 5:27-28). The LAWS are written in the HEART within the new covenant to have a higher righteousness, as "unless your righteousness abounds more (than that of) the scribes and Pharisees, by-no-means you-will-enter into the kingdom (of) the heavens" (Matthew 5:20).
The author of 1 John indicated that "SIN is LAWLESSNESS" (1 John 3:4). Because there are laws written on the heart within the new covenant, the one following them will not come to sin.
The author of Hebrews also indicated that within the "new COVENANT" (Hebrews 8:8) it was said: "I-will never remember THEIR SINS again" (Hebrews 8:12), implying that any lawless person entering the new covenant will not have their sins which they committed in the past when living in lawlessness remembered again.
The author of Hebrews wrote that Jesus "has (a) permanent priesthood. Hence also, He-is-able to-save (to the) very-end the (ones) coming-to God through Him, always living so as to-intercede for them" (Hebrews 7:24-25). In the Gospels, it was said about Jesus that His name was "Jesus, for He-will-save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). The author of Hebrews indicated that "Jesus Christ (is) the same YESTERDAY and today and TO THE AGES" (Hebrews 13:8).
The eternal good news
The good news of Jesus Christ is an "ETERNAL GOOD-NEWS" (Revelation 14:6) to announce to everyone.
In Revelation 14 it is written: "I-saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having ETERNAL GOOD-NEWS TO-ANNOUNCE-AS-GOOD-NEWS to the (ones) sitting on the earth — indeed, TO EVERY NATION AND TRIBE AND TONGUE AND PEOPLE" (Revelation 14:6). This eternal good news anounced to everyone would be the good news of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, it is written specifically that an "ANGEL flying in mid-HEAVEN" (Revelation 14:6) announced this eternal good-news. Paul wrote that "there-are some disturbing you and intending to-change THE GOOD-NEWS (of) CHRIST. But even if we or (an) ANGEL FROM HEAVEN SHOULD-ANNOUNCE-A-GOOD-NEWS (to) you other-than what we-announced-as-good-news (to) you, (that one) is-to-be accursed" (Galatians 1:7-8). The ANGEL who announced the ETERNAL GOOD-NEWS did not announce a different GOOD NEWS than "THE GOOD-NEWS (of) CHRIST" (Galatians 1:7).
The angel announcing the eternal good news in Revelation 14 was "saying with (a) loud voice “Fear God and give Him glory, because the HOUR (of) His judgment came. And GIVE-WORSHIP (to) the (One) having-made the heaven and the land and sea and springs (of) waters”." (Revelation 14:7). This is consistent with the good news announced by Christ recorded earlier by the same "John" (Revelation 1:4) in which Christ said: "(an) HOUR is-coming when YOU-(Samaritans)-WILL-GIVE-WORSHIP (to) the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem" (John 4:21).
The next verse in Revelation 14 even described how "another messenger, (a) second, followed, saying “Babylon THE GREAT FELL" (Revelation 14:8). The city "Babylon THE GREAT" here, also called "THE GREAT CITY, Babylon" (Revelation 18:10) would have represented Jerusalem, as it was written earlier about "THE GREAT CITY which spiritually is-called Sodom and Egypt — WHERE ALSO THEIR LORD WAS-CRUCIFIED" (Revelation 11:8). This great city "FELL" (Revelation 14:8) at that "HOUR" (Revelation 14:7). This is also consistent with what Christ said: "(an) HOUR is-coming when YOU-(Samaritans)-WILL-GIVE-WORSHIP (to) the Father neither on this mountain NOR IN JERUSALEM" (John 4:21). They would not GIVE WORSHIP IN JERUSALEM in that HOUR because JERUSALEM would have fell in that HOUR.
The good-news of Jesus Christ would not be limited to what the angel said in Revelation 14 or what Jesus said in John 4, as it actually began even earlier with John the Baptist when "John came, the (one) baptizing in the wilderness" (Mark 1:4) as it was written 3 verses earlier about "(The) BEGINNING (of) THE GOOD-NEWS (of) JESUS CHRIST" (Mark 1:1).
Every Scripture is profitable
The author of Hebrews wrote that "Every Scripture (is) God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for making-straight, for discipline in righteousness, in-order-that the person (of) God may-be complete, having-been-equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Someone can make use of the Scriptures to be taught about the conditions of the new covenant and other things that are available even to us today and that God did in the past.
Is the world gradually getting better overall?
There is evidence to believe that the world has been gradually getting better overall since the 1st century until today in many ways. As the world is developing, you can have an impact, even if it is a small one, toward its betterment with the labor that you can bring to it.
For more information:
Is the world gradually getting better overall?
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Is a coming in the clouds possible today?
Many comings in the clouds happened in the Old Testament. These were to bring judgment over a situation where God had to intervene in that way. As evil can still be present in the world, such a judgment may sometimes be necessary in some cases. Several ways to achieve this are possible, among which can be a coming in the clouds. For this reason, and others reasons, a coming in the clouds could still be possible in order to bring judgment in a current situation.
For more information:
Can there be a coming in the clouds beyond the 1st century?
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We have the hope of going directly to heaven after our departure from the world?
Paul wrote that "these three ARE-REMAINING — faith, HOPE, love" (1 Corinthians 13:13). Paul added 2 chapters later: "If we-are (ones) HAVING-HOPED in Christ IN THIS LIFE ONLY, WE-ARE MORE-PITIABLE (THAN) ALL PEOPLE" (1 Corinthians 15:19). Our HOPE is not to live this life only.
Paul wrote about "Christ in you, the HOPE (of) GLORY" (Colossians 1:27). Just like Jesus ascended into heaven and so "was-taken-up in GLORY" (1 Timothy 3:16), this is our HOPE, to also ourselves one day go up in GLORY.
For more information:
Resurrection from the dead (1st century historical fulfillment?)
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