Similarities - Matthew 24 & Revelation 3
Similarities: Matthew 24 & Revelation 3
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Revelation 3.
For similarities between Matthew 24 & Revelation 2: Click here
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
"the church in Sardis" (Revelation 3:1)
Matthew 24:43: "And you know that (saying), that if the house-master had-known (on) which watch the THIEF was-coming, HE-WOULD-HAVE-KEPT-WATCH and would not have-allowed his house to-be-broken-into."
Matthew 24:44: "For this reason you also be prepared (ones) — because the Son (of) Man is-coming (at an) HOUR which you-do not expect."
Revelation 3:3: "Therefore be-remembering how you-have-received and you-heard, and be-keeping (it), and repent. Therefore if you-do not KEEP-WATCH, I-will-come like (a) THIEF. And you-will never know at-what HOUR I-will-come upon you."
"the church in Philadelphia" (Revelation 3:7)
Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured (hüpomeinas 5278 in Greek) to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."
Revelation 3:10: "Because you-kept the word (of) My endurance (hüpomonēs 5281 in Greek), I-also will-keep you from the hour (of) testing, the (hour) about-to come upon the whole world to-test the (ones) dwelling upon the earth."
(The Greek word for "endurance" (hupomoné 5281 in Greek, noun) used in Revelation 3:10 comes from the Greek word for "having-endured" (hupomenó 5278 in Greek, verb) which is used in Matthew 24:13).
Matthew 24:44: "For this reason you also be prepared (ones) — because the Son (of) Man IS-COMING (at an) HOUR which you-do not expect."
Revelation 3:10: "Because you-kept the word (of) My endurance, I-also will-keep you from the HOUR (of) testing, the (hour) about-to COME upon the whole world to-test the (ones) dwelling upon the earth."
Matthew 24:29: "“And immediately after the affliction (in) those days, the sun will-be-darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will-fall from the heaven, and the powers (of) the heavens will-be-shaken."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:25: "“And there-will-be signs (in) the sun and moon and stars, and UPON THE EARTH (the) anguish (of) nations in perplexity (about the) roar (of the) sea and (wave) tossing —"
Luke 21:26: "people fainting from fear and (the) expectation (of) the (things) coming-upon (eperchomenōn 1904 in Greek) THE WORLD. For the powers (of) the heavens will-be-shaken."
Revelation 3:10: "Because you-kept the word (of) My endurance, I-also will-keep you from the hour (of) testing, the (hour) about-to come (erchesthai 2064 in Greek) UPON THE whole WORLD to-test the (ones) dwelling UPON THE EARTH."
(The Greek word for "coming-upon" (eperchomai 1904 in Greek, verb) used in Luke 21:26 comes from "upon" (epi 1909 in Greek, preposition) and "come" (erchesthai 2064 in Greek) which are both used in Revelation 3:10).
Matthew 24:30: "And then the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the Son (of) man COMING on the clouds (of) heaven with power and great glory."
Revelation 3:11: "I-AM-COMING quickly. Be-holding-on-to what you-have in-order-that no-one may-take your crown."
Matthew 24:15: "“Therefore when you-see the abomination (of) desolation — the (thing) having-been-spoken through Daniel the prophet — having-stood in (the) holy place (let the (one) reading understand),"
Matthew 24:16: "then let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:20: "“But when you-see JERUSALEM being-surrounded by army-encampments, then recognize that her desolation has-drawn-near."
Luke 21:21: "Then let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains. And let the (ones) in (the) midst (of) her be-going-out. And let the (ones) in the fields not be-entering into her."
Revelation 3:12: "The (one) overcoming — I-will-make him (a) pillar in the temple (of) My God, and he-will never go outside again. And I-will-write upon him the name (of) My God, and the name (of) the city (of) My God — the new JERUSALEM, the (one) coming-down out-of heaven from My God — and My new name."
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