Similarities: Matthew 24 & 1 Timothy 6
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 Timothy 6.
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Matthew 24 | 1 Timothy 6 |
"take-heed to yourselves that your hearts may not at any time be-weighed-down with carousing and drunkenness and anxieties pertaining-to-life, and that unexpected day suddenly-come-upon you like (a) SNARE" (Luke 21:33-35, parallel to Matthew 24:35) | "the (ones) wanting to-be-rich fall into temptation and (a) SNARE, and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction" (1 Timothy 6:9) |
The Greek word for "SNARE" (pagis 3803 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in all the Gospels, and that 1 time is found in Luke 21:35. |
"they-were-eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building. But (on) that day Lot departed from Sodom, it-rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed everyone"
(Luke 17:26-31, similar to Matthew 24:38-39) | "the (ones) wanting to-be-rich fall into temptation and (a) snare, and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction" (1 Timothy 6:9) |
"the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied. But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved" (Matthew 24:12-13) | "be-pursuing righteousness, well-worship, faith, LOVE, endurance" (1 Timothy 6:11) |
The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12. |
"I-say (to) YOU that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away UNTIL which (time) these (things) all take-place" (Mark 13:30, parallel to Matthew 24:34) | "(that) YOU keep the commandment unspotted, above-reproach, UNTIL the appearance (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Timothy 6:14) |
"For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man" (Matthew 24:27) | "(that) you keep the commandment unspotted, above-reproach, until the appearance (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Timothy 6:14) |
"what (will be) the sign (of) Your coming and (the) conclusion (of) THE AGE?" (Matthew 24:3) | "Be-commanding the (ones) rich in THE present AGE not to-be-high-minded, nor to-have-put-hope on (the) uncertainty (of) riches" (1 Timothy 6:17) |
You can find below the details:
Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."
The parallel account in Luke reads:
Luke 21:33: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."
Luke 21:34: "“But take-heed to yourselves that your hearts may not at any time be-weighed-down with carousing and drunkenness and anxieties pertaining-to-life, and that unexpected day suddenly-come-upon you"
Luke 21:35: "like (a) SNARE (pagis 3803 in Greek). For it-will-come upon all the (ones) sitting on (the) face (of) all the earth."
1 Timothy 6:9: "But the (ones) wanting to-be-rich fall into temptation and (a) SNARE (pagida 3803 in Greek), and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction."
(The Greek word for "SNARE" (pagis 3803 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in all the Gospels, and that 1 time is found in Luke 21:35).
Matthew 24:38: "For as in those days before the flood they-were eating and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"
Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood came and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
A similar account in Luke reads:
Luke 17:26: "“And as it-happened in the days (of) Noah, so it-will-be also in the days (of) the Son (of) Man —"
Luke 17:27: "they-were-eating, drinking, marrying, being-given-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed everyone."
Luke 17:28: "Likewise, just-as it-happened in the days (of) Lot — they-were-eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building."
Luke 17:29: "But (on) that day Lot departed from Sodom, it-rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed (apōlesen 622 in Greek) everyone."
1 Timothy 6:9: "But the (ones) wanting to-be-rich fall into temptation and (a) snare, and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction (apōleian 684 in Greek)."
(The Greek word for "destruction" (apóleia 684 in Greek, noun) used in 1 Timothy 6:9 comes from a presumed derivative of the Greek word for "be-destroyed" (apollumi 622 in Greek, verb) which is used in Luke 17:29).
Matthew 24:12: "And the LOVE (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied."
Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured (hüpomeinas 5278 in Greek) to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."
1 Timothy 6:11: "But you, O man (of) God, be-fleeing these (things), and be-pursuing righteousness, well-worship, faith, LOVE, endurance (hüpomonēn 5281 in Greek), gentleness."
(The Greek word for "LOVE" (agapé 26 in Greek, noun) only appears 1 time in Matthew, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:12).
(The Greek word for "endurance" (hupomoné 5281 in Greek, noun) used in 1 Timothy 6:11 comes from the Greek word for "having-endured" (hupomenó 5278 in Greek, verb) which is used in Matthew 24:13).
Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing (phainetai 5316 in Greek) as-far-as (the) west, so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
1 Timothy 6:14: "(that) you keep the commandment unspotted, above-reproach, until the appearance (epiphaneias 2015 in Greek) (of) our Lord Jesus Christ,"
(The Greek word for "appearance" (epiphaneia 2015 in Greek, noun) used in 1 Timothy 6:14 comes from the Greek word for "apparent" (epiphanés 2016 in Greek, adjective), which comes from the Greek word for "to-appear" (epiphainó 2014 in Greek, verb), which comes from the Greek words for "upon" (epi 1909 in Greek, preposition) and "is-appearing" (phainó 5316 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:27).
Matthew 24:34: "Truly I-say (to) YOU that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place."
The parallel account in Mark reads:
Mark 13:30: "Truly I-say (to) YOU that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away UNTIL which (time) these (things) all take-place."
1 Timothy 6:14: "(that) YOU keep the commandment unspotted, above-reproach, UNTIL the appearance (of) our Lord Jesus Christ,"
Matthew 24:3: "And (while) He (was) sitting on the Mount (of) Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us — when will these (things) be? And what (will be) the sign (of) Your coming and (the) conclusion (of) THE AGE?”"
1 Timothy 6:17: "Be-commanding the (ones) rich in THE present AGE not to-be-high-minded, nor to-have-put-hope on (the) uncertainty (of) riches, but upon God, the (One) richly granting us all (things) for enjoyment;"
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