1st century imminence in the Bible of the kingdom of God?
1st century imminence in the Bible of the kingdom of God?
The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.
The kingdom of God could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century according to the Bible. The content of what the diverse mentions of the kingdom of God would refer to in the following passages will not be addressed here.
It is written in Matthew that John the Baptist came in the 1st century and was "saying, “Repent, for THE KINGDOM (of) the heavens HAS-DRAWN-NEAR”" (Matthew 3:2).
1 chapter later, Jesus came in the 1st century and "Jesus began to-proclaim and say, “Repent, for THE KINGDOM (of) the heavens HAS-DRAWN-NEAR”" (Matthew 4:17).
6 chapters later, Jesus told His "twelve apostles" (Matthew 10:2) in the 1st century to "be-proclaiming, saying that ‘THE KINGDOM (of) the heavens HAS-DRAWN-NEAR’." (Matthew 10:7).
It is written in Mark that Jesus addressed a 1st century audience and "He-was-saying (to) THEM, “Truly I-say (to) YOU that there-are some (of) the (ones) STANDING HERE who will by-no-means taste death UNTIL THEY-SEE THE KINGDOM (of) God HAVING-COME in power”" (Mark 9:1).
It is written in Luke that Jesus addressed His 1st century disciples and said: "So also YOU — when YOU-SEE these (things) taking-place, you-know that THE KINGDOM (of) God is NEAR. Truly I-say (to) YOU that THIS GENERATION will by-no-means pass-away until all (things) take-place" (Luke 21:31-32).
It is written in 2 Timothy in the 1st century: "I-solemnly-charge (you) in-the-sight-of God and the Lord Christ Jesus, the (One) about-to (mellontos 3195 in Greek) judge (the) living and (the) dead, and (by) His appearance and His KINGDOM" (2 Timothy 4:1). The Greek word for "about-to" (melló 3195 in Greek) is a verb that can be translated as "is-about-to".
It is written in Revelation in the 1st century about "(The) revelation (of) Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to-show His slaves (the things) which must take-place in quickness" (Revelation 1:1).
10 chapters later it is written: "there-came loud voices in heaven, saying “The KINGDOM (of) the world became (the KINGDOM of) our Lord and (of) His Christ. And He-will-reign to the ages (of) the ages”." (Revelation 11:15).
1 chapter later it is also written: "I-heard (a) loud voice in heaven, saying “Now the salvation and the power and THE KINGDOM (of) our God and the authority (of) His Christ came" (Revelation 12:10).
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