1st century imminence in the Bible of the judgment of the living and the dead?
1st century imminence in the Bible of the judgment of the living and the dead?
The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.
The judgment of the living and the dead could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century according to the Bible. Only the passages clearly mentioning the judgment of the living and dead will be addressed. The content of what the diverse mentions of the judgment of the living and dead would refer to in the following passages will not be addressed here.
It is written in Acts 10 about "the (One) HAVING-BEEN-DESIGNATED by God (as) judge (of the) living and (the) dead" (Acts 10:42). 7 chapters later, it is written: "He-set (a) day on which He-is-about (mellei 3195 in Greek) to-judge the world in righteousness by (a) Man Whom HE-DESIGNATED" (Acts 17:31). The Greek word for "He-is-about" (melló 3195 in Greek) is a verb that can be translated as "is-about-to".
It is written in 2 Timothy: "I-solemnly-charge (you) in-the-sight-of God and the Lord Christ Jesus, the (One) about-to (mellontos 3195 in Greek) judge (the) living and (the) dead" (2 Timothy 4:1). The Greek word for "about-to" (melló 3195 in Greek) is a verb that can be translated as "is-about-to".
It is written in 1 Peter to a 1st century audience: "they-are-thinking(-it)-strange (that) you (are) not running-with (them) into the same excess (of) wild-living, (while they continue) blaspheming — who shall-render (an) account (to) the (One) being ready to-judge (the) living and (the) dead" (1 Peter 4:4-5).
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