Similarities - Matthew 24 & Revelation 19

Similarities: Matthew 24 & Revelation 19

There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Revelation 19. 

For similarities between Matthew 24 & Revelation 18: Click here

For similarities between Matthew 24 & Revelation 20: Click here

The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.

Matthew 24

Revelation 19

"the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved"

(Matthew 24:13)

"(a) loud voice (of a) great multitude in heaven (of ones) saying “Hallelujah — the salvation and the glory and the power (of) our God!"

(Revelation 19:1)

"these are days (of) vengeance"

(Luke 21:21-22, parallel to Matthew 24:18)

"He-avenged the blood (of) His slaves"

(Revelation 19:2)

"when you-see these (things) taking-place, you-know that the kingdom (of) GOD is near"

(Luke 21:31, parallel to Matthew 24:33)

"Hallelujah! Because (the) Lord our GOD, the Almighty, (began to) reign"

(Revelation 19:6)

"they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN with power and great glory. And He-will-send-out His angels"

(Matthew 24:30-31)

"I-saw HEAVEN having-been-opened. And behold — (there was a) white horse, and the (One) sitting on it being-called Faithful and True"

(Revelation 19:11)

"And the armies in HEAVEN were-following Him on white horses"

(Revelation 19:14)

"there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people"

(Luke 21:23, parallel to Matthew 24:19)

"He Himself treads the winepress (of) the wine (of) the fury (of) the WRATH (of) God Almighty"

(Revelation 19:15)

"Wherever the corpse may-be, there the eagles WILL-BE-GATHERED"

(Matthew 24:28)

"he-cried-out with (a) loud voice, saying (to) all the birds flying in mid-heaven, “Come, BE-GATHERED-TOGETHER for the great banquet (of) God, in-order-that you-may-eat (the) flesh (of) kings"

(Revelation 19:17-18)

"FALSE-PROPHETS will-arise and give great SIGNS and wonders, so as TO-DECEIVE"

(Matthew 24:24)

"the FALSE-PROPHET having-done the SIGNS in its presence, by which HE-DECEIVED"

(Revelation 19:20)

"AND they-will-fall (by the) edge (of the) sword"

(Luke 21:23-24, parallel to Matthew 24:19)

"AND the rest were-killed with the sword"

(Revelation 19:21)

You can find below the details:

Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved (sōthēsetai 4982 in Greek)."

Revelation 19:1: "After these (things) I-heard (something) like (a) loud voice (of a) great multitude in heaven (of ones) saying “Hallelujah — the salvation (sōtēria 4991 in Greek) and the glory and the power (of) our God!"

(The Greek word for "salvation" (sótéria 4991 in Greek, noun) used in Revelation 19:1 is a feminine of a derivative of the Greek word for "savior" (sótér 4990 in Greek, noun) which comes from the Greek word for "will-be-saved" (sózó 4982 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 24:13).

Matthew 24:18: "And let the (one) in the field not turn behind to-take his cloak."

The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:21: "Then let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains. And let the (ones) in (the) midst (of) her be-going-out. And let the (ones) in the fields not be-entering into her."

Luke 21:22: "Because these are days (of) vengeance (ekdikēseōs 1557 in Greek), (that) all the (things) having-been-written (may) be-fulfilled."

Revelation 19:2: "Because His judgments (are) true and righteous. Because He-judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her sexual-immorality, and He-avenged (exedikēsen 1556 in Greek) the blood (of) His slaves from her hand”."

(The Greek word for "vengeance" (ekdikésis 1557 in Greek, noun) used in Luke 21:22 comes from "He-avenged" (ekdikeó 1556 in Greek, verb) used in Revelation 19:2).

Matthew 24:32: "“Now learn the parable from the fig-tree: when its branch already becomes tender and grows-out (its) leaves, you-know that the summer (is) near."

The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:30: "When they already put-forth (leaves), seeing (it), you-know from yourselves that summer is already near."

Luke 21:31: "So also you — when you-see these (things) taking-place, you-know that the kingdom (basileia 932 in Greek) (of) GOD is near."

Revelation 19:6: "And I-heard (something) like (the) voice (of a) great multitude and like (the) sound (of) many waters and like the sound of strong thunders, saying “Hallelujah! Because (the) Lord our GOD, the Almighty, (began to) reign (ebasileusen 936 in Greek)."

(The Greek word for "kingdom" (basileia 932 in Greek, noun) used in Luke 21:31 and the Greek word for "reign" (basileuó 936 in Greek, noun) used in Revelation 19:6 both come from the Greek word for "king" (basileus 935 in Greek, noun).

Matthew 24:30: "And at-that-time the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN with power and great glory."

Matthew 24:31: "And He-will-send-out His angels with (a) loud trumpet. And they-will-gather-together His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) ends (of the) heavens to their (other) ends."

Revelation 19:11: "And I-saw HEAVEN having-been-opened. And behold — (there was a) white horse, and the (One) sitting on it being-called Faithful and True. And He-judges and wages-war in righteousness."

Revelation 19:13: "and having-clothed (Himself) with (a) garment having-been-dipped (in) blood. And His name has-been-called “The Word (of) God”."

Revelation 19:14: "And the armies in HEAVEN were-following Him on white horses, (the riders) having-been-dressed-in white clean fine-linen."

Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."

The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people."

Revelation 19:15: "And (a) sharp sword comes-out of His mouth, in-order-that He-may-strike the nations with it. And He Himself will-shepherd them with (an) iron rod. And He Himself treads the winepress (of) the wine (of) the fury (of) the WRATH (of) God Almighty."

Matthew 24:28: "Wherever the corpse may-be, there the eagles WILL-BE-GATHERED."

Revelation 19:17: "And I-saw one angel standing in the sun, and he-cried-out with (a) loud voice, saying (to) all the birds flying in mid-heaven, “Come, BE-GATHERED-TOGETHER for the great banquet (of) God,"

Revelation 19:18: "in-order-that you-may-eat (the) flesh (of) kings, and (the) flesh (of) commanders, and (the) flesh (of) powerful (ones), and (the) flesh (of) horses and of the (ones) sitting on them, and (the) flesh (of) everyone — both free and slaves, both small and great”."

Matthew 24:24: "For false-christs and FALSE-PROPHETS will-arise and give great SIGNS and wonders, so as TO-DECEIVE, if possible, even the chosen (ones)."

Revelation 19:20: "And the beast was-seized, and with it the FALSE-PROPHET having-done the SIGNS in its presence, by which HE-DECEIVED the (ones) having-received the mark (of) the beast, and the (ones) giving-worship (to) his image. (While) living, the two were-thrown into the lake (of) fire burning with sulphur."

Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."

The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and wrath (against) this people."

Luke 21:24: "AND they-will-fall (by the) edge (of the) sword. And they-will-be-taken-captive to all the nations. And Jerusalem will-be being-trampled by (the) Gentiles until which (time the) times (of the) Gentiles are fulfilled."

Revelation 19:21: "AND the rest were-killed with the sword (of) the (One) sitting on the horse, the (sword) having-come-out of His mouth. And all the birds were-filled-to-satisfaction from their flesh."
