Similarities - Matthew 24 & Revelation 11
Similarities: Matthew 24 & Revelation 11
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Revelation 11.
For similarities between Matthew 24 & Revelation 12: Click here
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Matthew 24:1: "And having-departed from the temple, Jesus was-proceeding. And His disciples came-to (Him) to-show Him the buildings (of) the temple."
Matthew 24:2: "But the (One), having-responded, said (to) them, “Do-you-see all these (things)? Truly I-say (to) you — (a) stone upon (a) stone by-no-means will-be-left here which will not be-torn-down”."
Revelation 11:1: "And (a measuring) rod resembling (a) staff was-given (to) me, saying “Arise, and measure the temple (of) God, and the altar, and the (ones) worshiping in it."
Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and wrath (against) this people."
Luke 21:24: "And they-will-fall (by the) edge (of the) sword. And they-will-be-taken-captive to all the nations. And Jerusalem will-be BEING-TRAMPLED by (the) GENTILES until which (time the) times (of the) GENTILES are fulfilled."
Revelation 11:2: "And put the court outside (of) the temple on-the-outside, and do not measure it, because it-was-given (to) the GENTILES. And THEY-WILL-TRAMPLE the holy city (for) forty and two months."
(Luke 21:24 & Revelation 11:2 are the only verses in the New Testament in which the Greek words for "GENTILES" and "TO-TRAMPLE" are used in the same verse).
Matthew 24:9: "Then they-will-hand you over to affliction, and THEY-WILL-KILL you. And you-will-be being-hated by all the nations because-of My name."
Revelation 11:7: "And when they-finish their testimony, the beast coming-up out-of the abyss will-make war against them, and overcome them, and KILL them."
Matthew 24:28: "Wherever the CORPSE may-be, there the eagles will-be-gathered."
Revelation 11:8: "And their CORPSE (will be) on the wide-road (of) the great city which spiritually is-called Sodom and Egypt — where also their Lord was-crucified."
Matthew 24:37: "For just-as the days (of) Noah (were), so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
Matthew 24:38: "For as in those days before the flood they-were eating and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"
Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood came and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
A similar account in Luke reads: Luke 17:26: "“And as it-happened in the days (of) Noah, so it-will-be also in the days (of) the Son (of) Man —"
Luke 17:27: "they-were-eating, drinking, marrying, being-given-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed everyone."
Luke 17:28: "Likewise, just-as it-happened in the days (of) Lot — they-were-eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building."
Luke 17:29: "But (on) that day Lot departed from SODOM, it-rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed everyone."
Luke 17:30: "It-will-be the same (way) on that day the Son (of) Man is-revealed."
Revelation 11:8: "And their corpse (will be) on the wide-road (of) the great city which spiritually is-called SODOM and Egypt — where also their Lord was-crucified."
Matthew 24:7: "For nation will-arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there-will-be famines and EARTHQUAKES in various-places."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:11: "There-will-be both GREAT EARTHQUAKES, and famines and plagues in various-places. There-will-be both fearful (things) and great signs from heaven."
Revelation 11:13: "And at that hour (a) GREAT EARTHQUAKE took-place, and (a) tenth (of) the city fell. And seven thousand names (of) people were-killed in the earthquake, and the rest became terrified and gave glory (to) the God (of) heaven”."
Matthew 24:31: "AND He-will-send-out His ANGELS with (a) loud trumpet (salpingos 4536 in Greek). And they-will-gather-together His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) ends (of the) heavens to their (other) ends."
Revelation 11:15: "AND the seventh ANGEL (angelos 32 in Greek) trumpeted (esalpisen 4537 in Greek). And there-came loud voices in heaven, saying “The kingdom (of) the world became (the kingdom of) our Lord and (of) His Christ. And He-will-reign to the ages (of) the ages”."
(The Greek word for "trumpeted" (salpizó 4537 in Greek, verb) used in Revelation 11:15 comes from the Greek word for "trumpet" (salpigx 4536 in Greek, noun) used in Matthew 24:31).
Matthew 24:32: "“Now learn the parable from the fig-tree: when its branch already becomes tender and grows-out (its) leaves, you-know that the summer (is) near."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:30: "When they already put-forth (leaves), seeing (it), you-know from yourselves that summer is already near."
Luke 21:31: "So also you — when you-see these (things) taking-place, you-know that THE KINGDOM (of) God is near."
Revelation 11:15: "And the seventh angel trumpeted. And there-came loud voices in heaven, saying “THE KINGDOM (of) the world became (the kingdom of) our Lord and (of) His Christ. And He-will-reign to the ages (of) the ages”."
Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people."
Revelation 11:18: "And the nations became-angry. And Your WRATH came, and the time (for) the dead to-be-judged, and to-give the reward (to) Your slaves the prophets, and the saints, and the (ones) fearing Your name, the small and the great, and to-destroy the (ones) destroying the earth”."
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