Similarities - Matthew 24 & Matthew 3
Similarities: Matthew 24 & Matthew 3
There are similarities between Matthew 24 and Matthew 3.
The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.
Matthew 24:33: "So also you — when you-see all these (things), you know that it-is near, at (the) doors."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:31: "So also you — when you-see these (things) taking-place, you-know that THE KINGDOM (of) God is near (engüs 1451 in Greek)."
Matthew 3:2: "and saying, “Repent, for THE KINGDOM (of) the heavens has-drawn-near (ēngiken 1448 in Greek)”."
(The Greek word for "has-drawn-near" (eggizó 1448 in Greek, verb) used in Matthew 3:2 comes from the Greek word for "near" (eggus 1451 in Greek, adverb) which is used in Luke 21:31).
Matthew 24:15: "“Therefore when you-see the abomination (of) desolation — the (thing) having-been-spoken through Daniel the prophet — having-stood in (the) holy place (let the (one) reading understand),"
Matthew 24:16: "at-that-time let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:20: "“But when you-see Jerusalem being-surrounded by army-encampments, then recognize that her desolation has-drawn-near."
Luke 21:21: "at-that-time let the (ones) in JUDEA be-fleeing to the mountains. And let the (ones) in (the) midst (of) her be-going-out. And let the (ones) in the fields not be-entering into her."
Matthew 3:5: "At-that-time Jerusalem and all JUDEA and all the surrounding-region (of) the Jordan was-going-out to him."
Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."
The parallel account in Luke reads: Luke 21:23: "Woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days. For there-will-be (a) great distress upon the land, and WRATH (against) this people."
Matthew 3:7: "But having-seen many (of) the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he-said (to) them, “Brood (of) vipers — who showed you to-flee from the WRATH about-to(-come)?"
Matthew 24:30: "And then the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the Son (of) man COMING on the clouds (of) heaven with power and great glory."
Matthew 24:31: "And He-will-send-out His angels with (a) loud trumpet. And they-will-gather-together (episünaxousin 1996 in Greek) His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) ends (of the) heavens to their [other] ends."
The parallel account in Mark reads: Mark 13:26: "And they-will-see the Son (of) Man COMING in the clouds with great power and glory."
Mark 13:27: "And at that time He-will-send-out the angels, and He-will-gather-together (episünaxei 1996 in Greek) His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) end (of the) earth to (the) end (of the) heaven."
Matthew 3:11: "I am-baptizing you in water for repentance, but the (One) COMING after me is more-powerful (than) me, (of) Whom I-am not fit to-carry the sandals. He will-baptize you in (the) Holy Spirit —"
Matthew 3:12: "Whose winnowing-tool (is) in His hand, and He-will-cleanse-out His threshing-floor and gather-together (sünaxei 4863 in Greek) His wheat into the barn. But He-will-burn-up the chaff (with) inextinguishable fire”."
(The Greek word for "He-will-gather-together" (episunagó 1996 in Greek, verb) used in Mark 13:27 comes from "upon" (epi 1909 in Greek, preposition) and "gather-together" (sunagó 4863 in Greek, verb) which is used in Matthew 3:12).
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