Similarities - Matthew 24 & James 5

Similarities: Matthew 24 & James 5

There are similarities between Matthew 24 and James 5. 

The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.

Matthew 24

James 5

"take-heed to yourselves that your hearts may not at any time be-weighed-down with carousing and drunkenness and anxieties pertaining-to-life, and that unexpected day suddenly-come-upon you like (a) snare. For IT-WILL-

COME-UPON all the (ones) sitting on (the) face (of) all the earth"

(Luke 21:33-35, parallel to Matthew 24:35)

"Come now, rich (ones), weep (while) wailing over your miseries COMING-UPON (you)"

(James 5:1)

The Greek word for "COMING-UPON" is not used in Matthew nor Mark nor John, but only in Luke.

"just-as it-happened in the DAYS (of) Lot — they-were-eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building. But (on) that day Lot departed from Sodom, it-rained FIRE and sulphur from heaven and destroyed everyone"

(Luke 17:26-29, similar to Matthew 24:38-39)

"Your gold and silver have-become-

corroded. And their corrosion will-be for (a) testimony (against) you, and will-eat your flesh like FIRE. You-stored-up (treasure) in (the) last DAYS!"

(James 5:3)

"I-say (to) you that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away UNTIL all these (things) take-place"

(Matthew 24:34)

"be-patient, brothers, UNTIL the coming (of) the Lord"

(James 5:7)

"THE COMING (of) the Son (of) Man"

(Matthew 24:27)

"THE COMING (of) the Lord"

(James 5:7)

This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24.

"So also YOU — when you-see all these (things), YOU know that it-is near, at (the) DOORS"

(Matthew 24:33)

"YOU also be-patient. Establish your hearts, because the coming (of) the Lord has-drawn-near. [...] Behold — the Judge stands in-front-of the DOORS"

(James 5:8-9)

Many "will-hate ONE-ANOTHER"

(Matthew 24:10)

"Do not be-groaning against ONE-ANOTHER"

(James 5:9)

"the (one) HAVING-ENDURED to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved"

(Matthew 24:13)

"Behold — we-consider-blessed the (ones) HAVING-ENDURED"

(James 5:11)

You can find below the details:

Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."

The parallel account in Luke reads: 

Luke 21:33: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."

Luke 21:34: "“But take-heed to yourselves that your hearts may not at any time be-weighed-down with carousing and drunkenness and anxieties pertaining-to-life, and that unexpected day suddenly-come-upon you"

Luke 21:35: "like (a) snare. For IT-WILL-COME-UPON all the (ones) sitting on (the) face (of) all the earth."

James 5:1: "Come now, rich (ones), weep (while) wailing over your miseries COMING-UPON (you)."

(The Greek word for "COMING-UPON" is not used in Matthew nor Mark nor John, but only in Luke).

Matthew 24:38: "For as in those DAYS before the flood they-were eating and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"

Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood came and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."

A similar account in Luke reads: 

Luke 17:26: "“And as it-happened in the DAYS (of) Noah, so it-will-be also in the days (of) the Son (of) Man —"

Luke 17:27: "they-were-eating, drinking, marrying, being-given-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed everyone."

Luke 17:28: "Likewise, just-as it-happened in the DAYS (of) Lot — they-were-eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building."

Luke 17:29: "But (on) that day Lot departed from Sodom, it-rained FIRE and sulphur from heaven and destroyed everyone."

James 5:3: "Your gold and silver have-become-corroded. And their corrosion will-be for (a) testimony (against) you, and will-eat your flesh like FIRE. You-stored-up (treasure) in (the) last DAYS!"

Matthew 24:34: "Truly I-say (to) you that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away UNTIL all these (things) take-place."

James 5:7: "Therefore be-patient, brothers, UNTIL the coming (of) the Lord. Behold — the land-worker waits-for the precious fruit (of) the land, being-patient with it until it-receives (the) early and late (rain)."

Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing as-far-as (the) west, so will-be THE COMING (parousia 3952 in Greek) (of) the Son (of) Man."

James 5:7: "Therefore be-patient, brothers, until THE COMING (parousias 3952 in Greek) (of) the Lord. Behold — the land-worker waits-for the precious fruit (of) the land, being-patient with it until it-receives (the) early and late (rain)."

(This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24).

Matthew 24:33: "So also YOU — when you-see all these (things), YOU know that it-is near (engüs 1451 in Greek), at (the) DOORS."

James 5:8: "YOU also be-patient. Establish YOUR hearts, because the coming (of) the Lord has-drawn-near (ēngiken 1448 in Greek)."

James 5:9: "Do not be-groaning against one-another, brothers, in-order-that you-may not be-judged. Behold — the Judge stands in-front-of the DOORS."

(The Greek word for "has-drawn-near" (eggizó 1448 in Greek, verb) used in James 5:8 comes from the Greek word for "near" (eggus 1451 in Greek, adverb) which is used in Matthew 24:33).

Matthew 24:10: "And then many will-be-caused-to-fall, and will-hand one-another over, and will-hate ONE-ANOTHER."

James 5:9: "Do not be-groaning against ONE-ANOTHER, brothers, in-order-that you-may not be-judged. Behold — the Judge stands in-front-of the doors."

Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) HAVING-ENDURED to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."

James 5:11: "Behold — we-consider-blessed the (ones) HAVING-ENDURED! You-heard (of) the endurance (of) Job, and you-saw the outcome (from the) Lord: that the Lord is large-hearted and compassionate."
