Similarities - Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 4

Similarities: Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 4

There are similarities between Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4. 

For similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 3: Click here

For similarities between Matthew 24 & 1 Thessalonians 5: Click here

The same Greek words that are used in both passages will be CAPITALIZED.

Matthew 24

1 Thessalonians 4

"I-SAY (to) YOU that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place"

(Matthew 24:34)

"WE-SAY this (to) YOU by (the) word (of the) Lord, that we — the (ones) living, the (ones) remaining until the coming (of) the Lord"

(1 Thessalonians 4:15)

"THE COMING (of) the Son (of) Man"

(Matthew 24:27)

"THE COMING (of) the Lord"

(1 Thessalonians 4:15)

This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24.

"the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN"

(Matthew 24:30)

"the Lord Himself will-descend from HEAVEN"

(1 Thessalonians 4:16)

"He-will-send-out His angels with (a) loud TRUMPET. And they-will-gather-

together His chosen (ones)"

(Matthew 24:31)

"with (a) voice (of an) archangel, and with (a) TRUMPET (of) God, and the dead in Christ will-rise-up first"

(1 Thessalonians 4:16)

The Greek word for "TRUMPET" (salpigx 4536 in Greek) is only used 1 time in all the Gospels, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:31.

"the Son (of) man coming on the CLOUDS"

(Matthew 24:30)

"in (the) CLOUDS for meeting the Lord"

(1 Thessalonians 4:17)

You can find below the details:

Matthew 24:34: "Truly I-SAY (to) YOU that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place."

1 Thessalonians 4:15: "For WE-SAY this (to) YOU by (the) word (of the) Lord, that we — the (ones) living, the (ones) (left-)lacking until the coming (of) the Lord — will in-no-way precede the (ones) having-fallen-asleep."

Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) east and is-appearing as-far-as (the) west, so will-be THE COMING (parousia 3952 in Greek) (of) the Son (of) Man."

1 Thessalonians 4:15: "For we-say this (to) you by (the) word (of the) Lord, that we — the (ones) living, the (ones) (left-)lacking until THE COMING (parousian 3952 in Greek) (of) the Lord — will in-no-way precede the (ones) having-fallen-asleep."

(This specific Greek word for "COMING" (parousia 3952 in Greek) is only used 4 times in all the Gospels, and these 4 instances are all found exclusively in Matthew 24).

Matthew 24:30: "And then the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) HEAVEN with power and great glory."

1 Thessalonians 4:16: "Because the Lord Himself will-descend from HEAVEN with (a) shouted-command, with (a) voice (of an) archangel, and with (a) trumpet (of) God, and the dead in Christ will-rise-up first."

Matthew 24:31: "And He-will-send-out His angels with (a) loud TRUMPET. And they-will-gather-together His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) ends (of the) heavens to their [other] ends."

1 Thessalonians 4:16: "Because the Lord Himself will-descend from heaven with (a) shouted-command, with (a) voice (of an) archangel, and with (a) TRUMPET (of) God, and the dead in Christ will-rise-up first."

(The Greek word for "TRUMPET" (salpigx 4536 in Greek) is only used 1 time in all the Gospels, and that 1 time is found in Matthew 24:31).

Matthew 24:30: "And then the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-beat-their-breasts. And they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the CLOUDS (of) heaven with power and great glory."

1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we — the (ones) living, the (ones) (left-)lacking — will-be-snatched together with them in (the) CLOUDS for meeting the Lord in (the) air. And so we-shall-be always with (the) Lord."
