Matthew 24 - Entire text for reading purposes (with Matthew 23)
Matthew 24 - Entire text for reading purposes (with Matthew 23)
Below is the entire text of Matthew 24 for reading purposes. The context in Matthew 23 is also added.
Note: If some words do not correspond to any word present in Greek manuscripts, they will be placed under brackets. If several words correspond to only one Greek word in Greek manuscripts, they will be attached with dashes.
For example:
Matthew 24:12: "the love of the majority will grow cold"
This passage will be rendered in accordance with Greek manuscripts:
Matthew 24:12: "the love (of) the majority will-grow-cold"
Context of Matthew 23 followed by Matthew 24
Matthew 23:27: "Woe (to) you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you-are-similar (to) burial-places having-been-whitewashed, which outside appear beautiful, but inside are-full (of) bones (of) dead (ones) and all impurity!"
Matthew 23:28: "So also you outside appear righteous (to) people — but inside you-are full (of) hypocrisy and lawlessness!"
Matthew 23:29: "Woe (to) you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you-build the burial-places (of) the prophets and adorn the tombs (of) the righteous (ones),"
Matthew 23:30: "and say, ‘If we-had-been in the days (of) our fathers, we-would not have-been their partners in the blood (of) the prophets’."
Matthew 23:31: "So then, you-are-testifying (concerning) yourselves that you-are sons (of) the (ones) having-murdered the prophets."
Matthew 23:32: "And you — fill-up the measure (of) your fathers!"
Matthew 23:33: "Snakes, brood (of) vipers, how may-you-escape from the condemnation (of) Gehenna?"
Matthew 23:34: "“For this reason behold, I am-sending-forth prophets and wise (ones) and scribes to you — (some) of them you-will-kill and crucify, and (some) of them you-will-whip in your synagogues and persecute from city to city —"
Matthew 23:35: "so-that all (the) righteous blood being-shed on the earth may-come upon you: from the blood (of) Abel the righteous (one), up-to the blood (of) Zechariah, son (of) Berechiah, whom you-murdered between the temple and the altar."
Matthew 23:36: "Truly I-say (to) you, all these (things) will-come upon this generation."
Matthew 23:37: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the (one) killing the prophets and stoning the (ones) having-been-sent-forth to her. How-often I-wanted to-gather-together your children the way (a) hen gathers-together her chicks under (her) wings, and you-did not want (it)."
Matthew 23:38: "Behold — your house is-being-left (to) you desolate."
Matthew 23:39: "For I-say (to) you, you-will by no means see Me from now (on) until you-say, ‘Blessed (is) the (One) coming in (the) name (of the) Lord’”."
Matthew 24:1: "And having-departed from the temple, Jesus was-proceeding. And His disciples came-to (Him) to-show Him the buildings (of) the temple."
Matthew 24:2: "But the (One), having-responded, said (to) them, “Do-you-see all these (things)? Truly I-say (to) you — (a) stone upon (a) stone by-no-means will-be-left here which will not be-torn-down”."
Matthew 24:3: "And (while) He (was) sitting on the Mount (of) Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us — when will these (things) be? And what (will be) the sign (of) Your coming and (the) conclusion (of) the age?”"
Matthew 24:4: "And having-responded, Jesus said (to) them — “Be-watching-out (that) no one may-deceive you."
Matthew 24:5: "For many will-come on-the-basis-of My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’. And they-will-deceive many."
Matthew 24:6: "And you-will-be-about (to) hear (of) wars and rumors (of) wars. See (that) you are not alarmed! For (they) must take-place, but it is not-yet the end."
Matthew 24:7: "For nation will-arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there-will-be famines and earthquakes in various-places."
Matthew 24:8: "But all these (things are a) beginning (of) birth-pains."
Matthew 24:9: "At-that-time they-will-hand you over to affliction, and they-will-kill you. And you-will-be being-hated by all the nations because-of My name."
Matthew 24:10: "And at-that-time many will-be-caused-to-fall, and will-hand one-another over, and will-hate one-another."
Matthew 24:11: "And many false-prophets will-arise and deceive many."
Matthew 24:12: "And the love (of) the majority will-grow-cold because-of lawlessness being-multiplied."
Matthew 24:13: "But the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) will-be-saved."
Matthew 24:14: "And this good-news (of) the kingdom will-be-proclaimed in the whole world for (a) testimony (to) all the nations. And at-that-time the end will-come."
Matthew 24:15: "“Therefore when you-see the abomination (of) desolation — the (thing) having-been-spoken through Daniel the prophet — having-stood in (the) holy place, let the (one) reading understand,"
Matthew 24:16: "at-that-time let the (ones) in Judea be-fleeing to the mountains."
Matthew 24:17: "Let the (one) upon the housetop not go-down to-take the (things) out-of his house."
Matthew 24:18: "And let the (one) in the field not turn behind to-take his cloak."
Matthew 24:19: "And woe (to) the (ones) having (a child) in (the) womb, and (to) the (ones) nursing in those days."
Matthew 24:20: "And be-praying that your flight may not take-place (in) winter, nor (on a) Sabbath."
Matthew 24:21: "For at-that-time there-will-be (a) great affliction such-as has not taken-place since (the) beginning (of the) world until now, nor ever will-take-place."
Matthew 24:22: "And if those days had not been-shortened, no flesh would-have-been-saved. But those days will-be-shortened for the sake of the chosen (ones)."
Matthew 24:23: "At-that-time if someone says (to) you, ‘Behold — here (is) the Christ,’ or ‘Here’, do not believe (it)."
Matthew 24:24: "For false-christs and false-prophets will-arise and give great signs and wonders, so as to-deceive, if possible, even the chosen (ones)."
Matthew 24:25: "Behold — I-have-foretold you."
Matthew 24:26: "Therefore, if they-say (to) you, ‘Behold — He-is in the wilderness’, do not go-out; ‘Behold — (He is) in the inner-rooms’, do not believe (it)."
Matthew 24:27: "For just-as the lightning comes-out from (the) easts and is-appearing as-far-as (the) wests, so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
Matthew 24:28: "Wherever the corpse may-be, there the eagles will-be-gathered."
Matthew 24:29: "“And immediately with the affliction (in) those days, the sun will-be-darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will-fall from the heaven, and the powers (of) the heavens will-be-shaken."
Matthew 24:30: "And at-that-time the sign (of) the Son (of) Man will-appear in (the) heaven. And at-that-time all the tribes (of) the earth will-strike(-their-breasts-to-mourn). And they-will-see the Son (of) man coming on the clouds (of) heaven with power and great glory."
Matthew 24:31: "And He-will-send-out His angels with (a) loud trumpet. And they-will-gather-together His chosen (ones) from the four winds, from (the) ends (of the) heavens to their (other) ends."
Matthew 24:32: "“Now learn the parable from the fig-tree: when its branch already becomes tender and grows-out (its) leaves, you-know that the summer (is) near."
Matthew 24:33: "So also you — when you-see all these (things), you know that (it) is near, at (the) doors."
Matthew 24:34: "Truly I-say (to) you that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place."
Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will-pass-away, but My words by-no-means will-pass-away."
Matthew 24:36: "“But no-one knows about that day and hour — not-even the angels (of) the heavens, nor the Son — except the Father alone."
Matthew 24:37: "For just-as the days (of) Noah (were), so will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
Matthew 24:38: "For as in those days before the flood they-were eating and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage, until which day Noah entered into the ark,"
Matthew 24:39: "and did not know until the flood came and took-away everyone, so also will-be the coming (of) the Son (of) Man."
Matthew 24:40: "At-that-time there-will-be two (men) in the field — one is-taken, and one is-left;"
Matthew 24:41: "two (women) grinding at the mill — one is-taken, and one is-left."
Matthew 24:42: "Therefore keep-watching, because you do not know (on) which day your Lord is-coming."
Matthew 24:43: "And you know that (saying), that if the house-master had-known (on) which watch the thief was-coming, he-would-have-kept-watch and would not have-allowed his house to-be-broken-into."
Matthew 24:44: "For this reason you also be prepared (ones) — because the Son (of) Man is-coming (at an) hour which you-do not expect."
Matthew 24:45: "“Who then is the faithful and wise slave whom (his) lord put-in-charge over his household (that he might) give them (their) food at (the) proper-time?"
Matthew 24:46: "Blessed (is) that slave whom his lord, having-come, will-find so doing."
Matthew 24:47: "Truly I-say (to) you that he-will-set him over all his possessions."
Matthew 24:48: "But if that bad slave says in his heart, ‘My lord is-delaying’,"
Matthew 24:49: "and begins to-strike his fellow-slaves, and is-eating and drinking with the (ones) being-drunk —"
Matthew 24:50: "the lord (of) that slave will-come on (a) day which he-does not expect, and at (an) hour which he-does not know."
Matthew 24:51: "And he-will-cut him in-two, and assign (him) his part with the hypocrites. In-that-place, there-will-be the weeping and the grinding (of) teeth."
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