1st century imminence in the Bible of the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous?
1st century imminence in the Bible of the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous?
The same Greek words that are used in the various passages will be CAPITALIZED.
The resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous could have been apprehended as imminent in the 1st century according to the Bible. Only the passages clearly mentioning the resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous will be addressed. The content of what the diverse mentions of the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous would refer to in the following passages will not be addressed here.
Daniel 12 & Matthew 24:
It is written in Daniel 12: "many of the ones sleeping in the broad (ground) of the earth will rise: (some) to everlasting life, but (some) to reproach, and to dispersion and everlasting shame" (Daniel 12:2).
This was written just after mentioning that at "that time (will be) AFFLICTION, SUCH-AS HAS NOT TAKEN-PLACE SINCE which (time) it became (a) nation on the earth until that time" (Daniel 12:1).
Jesus mentioned "DANIEL the prophet" in Matthew 24:15 and then described that "there-will-be (a) great AFFLICTION SUCH-AS HAS NOT TAKEN-PLACE SINCE (the) beginning (of the) world until now" (Matthew 24:21).
Daniel also mentioned that "in that time all the people WILL-BE-SAVED, who were-found having-been-written in the scroll" (Daniel 12:1) and Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24 that "the (one) having-endured to (the) end — this (one) WILL-BE-SAVED" (Matthew 24:13).
Jesus in Matthew 24 described to His 1st century disciples that the events that He mentioned would happen as "also you — when you-see all these (things), you know that it-is near, at (the) doors. Truly I-say (to) you that this generation by-no-means will-pass-away until all these (things) take-place" (Matthew 24:33-34).
It is written in John 5 that Jesus said: "(an) HOUR IS-COMING in which all the (ones) in the graves will-hear His voice, and will-come-out — the (ones) having-done the good (things) to (a) resurrection (of) life; the (ones) having-practiced the bad (things) to a resurrection (of) judgment" (John 5:28-29).
1 chapter earlier, Jesus used the same phrasing when He said: "(an) HOUR IS-COMING when you-(Samaritans)-will-give-worship (to) the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem" (John 4:21).
Jerusalem was actually destroyed by the Romans in the 1st century around AD 70, making it not possible for people to go to worship there at that time.
The author of 1 John mentioned that when he was writing in the 1st century, it was already the last HOUR: "children, it-is (the) last HOUR. And just-as you-heard that (the) Antichrist IS-COMING, even now many antichrists have-arisen — from which we-know that it-is (the) last HOUR" (1 John 2:18)
It is written in Acts that Paul said in the 1st century: "(there-)is-about-to (mellein 3195 in Greek) be (a) resurrection, (of) both righteous (ones) and unrighteous (ones)" (Acts 24:15).
The Greek word for "(there-)is-about-to" (melló 3195 in Greek) is a verb that can be translated as "is-about-to".
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